

我从中调用连接函数的类(也是我的 WPF 类):

public partial class agentRadio : Window
    private void connectButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) //Connect button clicked
        agentradioread.connect((string)portsOpen.SelectedValue, this);


class agentRadioRead //Handles connection and reading of device values
    /*Local variable declarations*/
    SerialPort agentSerial;
    BackgroundWorker connectWorker;

    string resultMessage = "Error: The connect function has completed without setting this status message properly.";
    byte[] data = new byte[2246];

    /*Public methods*/

    public void connect(string selectedPort, agentRadio agentR) //Connects device, reads values, stores values, displays status message
        agentSerial = new SerialPort(selectedPort, 9600, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One);
        connectWorker = new BackgroundWorker();
        //connectWorker.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
        connectWorker.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(initialRead);
        //connectWorker.ProgressChanged += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(reportProgress);


    /*Private methods*/

    void initialRead(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)

        byte[] result = new byte[7];
        byte questionMark = 63;

        agentSerial.BaseStream.Read(result, 0, 7);

        string system = "";
        foreach (byte letter in result)
            system += Convert.ToChar(letter).ToString();

        bool read = readPort();

        if (read)
            int i = 1;
            foreach (byte value in data)
                storeData(i, value);

        MessageBox.Show(resultMessage, "Status Message", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);

    bool readPort()
        bool succesfulRead = false;

        agentSerial.BaseStream.Write(Global.READ_VALUES, 0, Global.READ_VALUES.Length); //begin read values

        byte key = (byte)agentSerial.BaseStream.ReadByte();

        if (Global.START_COMMAND == key) //Verify continue key
            for (int i = 0; i < 2246; i++) //Loop through values
                    data[i] = (byte)agentSerial.BaseStream.ReadByte();
                    agentSerial.BaseStream.Write(Global.GO_AHEAD, 0, Global.GO_AHEAD.Length);
                    resultMessage = "An error occured, while reading the device settings." + i;
            if (data[2245] != Global.FINISH_COMMAND)
                resultMessage = "An error occured, while reading the device settings." + 2245;
                succesfulRead = true;
        else //Key failed and displays error
            resultMessage = "An error occured, are you sure you are trying to connect to an Agent (Radio Version)? If so make sure you have followed the steps listed above.";

        return succesfulRead;

    void storeData(int iteration, byte value)
        if (iteration > 0 && iteration < 385) //read schedule
            double pos = (iteration - 1) / 48;

            int i = (int)Math.Floor(pos);
            int j = (iteration - 1) - (i * 48);

            Create.schedule[i, j] = value;

        if (iteration > 384 && iteration < 1285) //read alarm history
            double pos = (iteration - 385) / 9;

            int i = (int)Math.Floor(pos);
            int j = (iteration - 385) - (i * 9);

            Create.alarms[i, j] = value;

        if (iteration > 1284 && iteration < 1345) //read error log
            double pos = (iteration - 1285) / 6;

            int i = (int)Math.Floor(pos);
            int j = (iteration - 1285) - (i * 6);

            Create.errors[i, j] = value;

        if (iteration > 1344 && iteration < 1945) //read voltage history
            double pos = (iteration - 1345) / 6;

            int i = (int)Math.Floor(pos);
            int j = (iteration - 1345) - (i * 6);

            Create.voltage[i, j] = value;

        if (iteration > 1944 && iteration < 1973) //read holidays
            Create.holidays[iteration - 1945] = value;

        if (iteration > 1972 && iteration < 2168) //read message sequences
            double pos = (iteration - 1973) / 15;

            int i = (int)Math.Floor(pos);
            int j = (iteration - 1973) - (i * 15);

            Create.messages[i, j] = value;

        if (iteration > 2167 && iteration < 2196) //read message info
            Create.recordings[iteration - 2168] = value;

        if (iteration > 2195 && iteration < 2246) //read sysval
            Create.sysval[iteration - 2196] = value;

        if (iteration == 2246 && value == Global.FINISH_COMMAND)
            if (Global.restoring)
                resultMessage = "Your device has been succesfully restored.";
                resultMessage = "Your device has been succesfully connected, and all settings have been loaded from the device.";
            resultMessage = "An error occured, while reading the device settings." + "Storing";

    void reportProgress(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)


1 回答 1


我会反过来做。在 agentRadio 窗口中初始化工作线程。
在 agentRadioRead 类中具有与设备交互相关的所有功能。
从中取出所有引用表单窗口的代码。创建此 agentRadioRead 类的对象并将其传递给工作线程。使用 workerthread 的 reportprogress 事件向 agentRadio 窗口报告状态变化。让 agentRadio 中的事件处理程序执行任何 UI 更新。

于 2012-07-26T01:30:01.630 回答