如何在不单独引用它们的情况下以 Python 方式设置多个属性?下面是我的解决方案。
class Some_Class(object):
def __init__(self):
def init_property1(value): self.prop1 = value
def init_property2(value): self.prop2 = value
self.func_list = [init_property1, init_property2]
def prop1(self):
return 'hey im the first property'
def prop1(self, value):
print value
def prop2(self):
return 'hey im the second property'
def prop2(self, value):
print value
class Some_Other_Class(object):
def __init__(self):
myvalues = ['1 was set by a nested func','2 was set by a nested func']
some_class= Some_Class()
# now I simply set the properties without dealing with them individually
# this assumes I know how they are ordered (in the list)
# if necessary, I could use a map
for idx, func in enumerate(some_class.func_list):
some_class.prop1 = 'actually i want to change the first property later on'
if __name__ == '__main__':
test = Some_Other_Class()