tell application "Finder"
set short_name to name of selected_file
end tell
tell application "Finder"
set short_name to name of selected_file
end tell
set someItem to (choose file)
tell application "System Events" to tell disk item (someItem as text) to set {theName, theExtension} to {name, name extension}
if theExtension is not "" then set theName to text 1 thru -((count theExtension) + 2) of theName -- the name part
log theName & tab & theExtension
tell application "Finder"
set n to name of file "test.txt" of desktop
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "."
if number of text items of n > 1 then
set n to text items 1 thru -2 of n as text
end if
end tell
name extension
tell application "Finder"
name extension of file "archive.tar.gz" of desktop -- gz
end tell
set filesFound to {}
set filesFound2 to {}
set nextItem to 1
tell application "Finder"
set myFiles to name of every file of (path to desktop) --change path to whatever path you want
end tell
--loop used for populating list filesFound with all filenames found (name + extension)
repeat with i in myFiles
set end of filesFound to (item nextItem of myFiles)
set nextItem to (nextItem + 1)
end repeat
set nextItem to 1 --reset counter to 1
--loop used for pulling each filename from list filesFound and then strip the extension
--from filename and populate a new list called filesFound2
repeat with i in filesFound
set myFile2 to item nextItem of filesFound
set myFile3 to text 1 thru ((offset of "." in myFile2) - 1) of myFile2
set end of filesFound2 to myFile3
set nextItem to (nextItem + 1)
end repeat
return filesFound2
该脚本使用 ASObjC Runner 来解析文件路径。在此处下载 ASObjC Runner。
set aFile to choose file
tell application "ASObjC Runner" to set nameS to name stub of (parsed path of (aFile as text))