I'm supposed to create a program that displays an editable CSV in a spreadsheet format, then pulls and appends information from an LDAP source into said spreadsheet and saves it. As it is a lot to handle right off the bat, I'm taking it in small chunks at a time.
Not even going to bother with the LDAP bits yet, I just want to get the Load > Edit > Save bits to work for now.
I figure that if I play around with opening, displaying, and saving .TXT files first I can easily transfer what I learn to later when I implement the .CSV portion. However, I am having difficulties making the Save portion work right (read: at all), and I got a bit of help from reading other posts on here, so I figured I'd ask.
Note: the Oracle Java tute for JFileChooser doesn't cover saving except to barely touch on how to start implementing it, not how it actually functions.
a link to my code: http://pastebin.com/tWnYrwgM
The code I need the most help with currently:
private void SaveActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
I don't have anything in there currently because I never actually got anything to work when I Built, Ran, or Debugged the project when I did have code there.
I guess what I am trying to say is that I am having trouble writing to file.