I am trying to render a health bar with Slick. I want a red rectangle with a green one in front of it to show the health remaining. This is what I have so far:
Rectangle healthBG = new Rectangle(healthX, healthY, healthWidth, healthHeight);
ShapeFill healthFill = new GradientFill(0, healthHeight / 2, Color.red, healthWidth, healthHeight - 1, Color.orange, true);
float healthGAWidth = ((float) health / (float) maxHealth) * (float) healthWidth;
Rectangle healthGA = new Rectangle(healthX, healthY, healthGAWidth, healthHeight);
ShapeFill healthGAFill = new GradientFill(0, healthHeight / 2, Color.green, healthGAWidth, healthHeight - 1, Color.green, true);
g.draw(healthBG, healthFill);
g.draw(healthGA, healthGAFill);
This is what is rendered on the screen: