first_line_update = "WRITE IN THE FIRST LINE \n"
with open(tableTempFile, 'r+') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
lines[0] = first_line_update
from shutil import copy
from itertools import islice, chain
# TODO: use a NamedTemporaryFile from the tempfile module
first_line_update = "WRITE IN THE FIRST LINE \n"
with open("inputfile", 'r') as infile, open("tmpfile", 'w+') as outfile:
# replace the first line with the string provided:
(line for line in chain((first_line_update,), islice(infile,1,None)))
# if you don't want to replace the first line but to insert another line before
# this simplifies to:
#outfile.writelines(line for line in chain((first_line_update,), infile))
copy("tmpfile", "infile")
# TODO: remove temporary file