我有一个 ASP.NET 应用程序,在 Global.asax 的应用程序错误事件中,我正在调用一个方法来跟踪/记录错误。我想在这里使用会话变量内容。我使用了下面的代码
void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
//get reference to the source of the exception chain
Exception ex = Server.GetLastError().GetBaseException();
//log the details of the exception and page state to the
//Windows 2000 Event Log
GUI.MailClass objMail = new GUI.MailClass();
string strError = "MESSAGE: " + ex.Message + "<br><br><br>" + "SOURCE: " + ex.Source + "<br>FORM: " + Request.Form.ToString() + "<br>QUERYSTRING: " + Request.QueryString.ToString() + "<br>TARGETSITE: " + ex.TargetSite + "<br>STACKTRACE: " + ex.StackTrace;
if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["trCustomerEmail"] != null)
strError = "Customer Email : " + Session["trCustomerEmail"].ToString() +"<br />"+ strError;
//Call a method to send the error details as an Email
objMail.sendMail("test@gmail.com", "myid@gmail.com", "Error in " + Request.Form.ToString(), strError, 2);
我在访问会话变量的代码行中遇到错误。Visual Studio 告诉我们