我拼凑了一个可怕但有点实用的解决方案。在 elementspath plugin.js 我添加了
function onContextMenu(elementIndex, ev) {
var element = editor._.elementsPath.list[elementIndex];
editor.execCommand('elementspathContextmenuForElement', ev, element);
var onContextMenuHanlder = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction(onContextMenu);
然后在生成元素路径项 html 的位置添加:
oncontextmenu="return CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(', onContextMenuHanlder, ',', index, ', event );"
CKEDITOR.plugins.add('elementspathcontextmenu', {
init: function (editor) {
editor.addCommand('elementspathContextmenuForElement', {
exec: function (editor, event, element) {
var tempX = event.pageX + 'px';
var tempY = event.pageY + 'px';
window.newdiv = document.createElement('div');
window.newdiv.setAttribute('id', "tmpContextMenuDiv");
window.newdiv.style.width = 300 + 'px';
window.newdiv.style.height = 300 + 'px';
window.newdiv.style.position = "absolute";
window.newdiv.style.left = tempX;
window.newdiv.style.top = tempY;
window.newdiv.innerHTML = '<p><a href="#" onclick="return false;">Do something</a></p>';
canUndo: false // No support for undo/redo
I feel a bit dirty hacking the core like that and creating a div element for the context menu in that way but it kind of works for me. This is by no means the final code but it gets the point across.