我有一台配备 Intel I7 2600 3.4Ghz 处理器、32GB RAM、Windows 7 Professional x64、JVM 更新的计算机。

在 Zend Studio 中,当对多个文件运行 Source -> Format Code 时,Zend 崩溃并出现警告:Java Heap Size。

我阅读了 ZendStudio.ini 中的设置值,我的相关设置:-Xms1089M -Xmx1089M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m




1 回答 1


Why can't you increment? 32 bit JVM?

UPDATE: Did some research. While it is possible to edit Zend Studio's JVM usage,

This support forum post states 32 bit JVM is needed (I guess they use 32 bit native DLLS.

A 32 bit JVM is limited to about 1.5 GB addressable space. You might be able to tweak things further, but it's gonna be a stretch.

Therefore your only solutions are mostly out of your hands

  • Zend Studio updates to 64 bit support
  • Zend Studio adjusts memory usage
  • You figure out a way not to use as much memory yourself.
于 2012-07-25T04:40:40.350 回答