我正在尝试与我的访问数据库一起制作一个报告,该数据库将显示所有用户的名称和用户 ID。由于数据字段不需要太多空间来显示,我试图在报告的单行上显示多个条目,以便它看起来像:

Last1, First1 ID1 Last2, First2 ID2 Last3, First3 ID3

Last4, First4 ID4 Last5, First5 ID5 Last6, First6 ID6


Last1, First1 ID1

Last2, First2 ID2

Last3, First3 ID3


Last1, First1 ID1 Last2, First2 ID2 Last3, First3 ID3

我还尝试使用 iif 语句,以便每行只打印出每三个条目:

=IIf([ID] Mod 3=0,[Last Name] & ", " & [First Name] & " " & [UID] ,Null)

这确实给出了我想要的条目,但是当返回 Null 案例时,它会留下一个我不想要的小间隙。

任何人都可以帮助我让列功能正常工作,或者如何让我的声明中的 Null 案例不会在我的报告中造成小的差距?



1 回答 1


To print a report header across all columns in MS Access 2010 using A4 210mm × 297mm based on a two column report.

  1. Create your report in the normal way and switch to design view
  2. Select the report header and choose columns from the page set-up tab
  3. Set columns to 2 and uncheck same as detail. I prefer down the accross, but that is uo to you.
  4. Select detail and set the column width to 9.55. This is calculated by 19.709cm, the page width less the margins, minus 0.635, the gutters, divided by 2 columns.
  5. Squash all the detail control into 9.55cm on the left side of the page.
  6. Arrange the header to suit.
于 2012-07-25T16:06:34.477 回答