我有一个 WinRT 应用程序,我正在使用适用于 Windows 8 的 Windows Azure 工具包。我有一个设置,我希望订阅的客户忽略发布到 ServiceBus 主题的消息,如果他们是发起者,或者如果消息比他们的订阅开始时更旧。
在我的 BrokeredMessage 的属性中,我添加了 2 项来涵盖这些场景:
message.Properties["Timestamp"] = DateTime.UtcNow.ToFileTime();
message.Properties["OriginatorId"] = clientId.ToString();
clientId 是一个 Guid。
// ti is a class that contains a Topic, Subscription and a bool as a cancel flag.
string FilterName = "NotMineNewOnly";
// Find or create the topic.
if (await Topic.ExistsAsync(DocumentId.ToString(), TokenProvider))
ti.Topic = await Topic.GetAsync(DocumentId.ToString(), TokenProvider);
ti.Topic = await Topic.CreateAsync(DocumentId.ToString(), TokenProvider);
// Find or create this client's subscription to the board.
if (await ti.Topic.Subscriptions.ExistsAsync(ClientSettings.Id.ToString()))
ti.Subscription = await ti.Topic.Subscriptions.GetAsync(ClientSettings.Id.ToString());
ti.Subscription = await ti.Topic.Subscriptions.AddAsync(ClientSettings.Id.ToString());
// Find or create the subscription filter.
if (!await ti.Subscription.Rules.ExistsAsync(FilterName))
// Want to ignore messages generated by this client and ignore any that are older than Timestamp.
await ti.Subscription.Rules.AddAsync(FilterName, sqlFilterExpression: string.Format("(OriginatorId != '{0}') AND (Timestamp > {1})", ClientSettings.Id, DateTime.UtcNow.ToFileTime()));
ti.CancelFlag = false;
Topics[boardId] = ti;
while (!ti.CancelFlag)
BrokeredMessage message = await ti.Subscription.ReceiveAndDeleteAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
if (!ti.CancelFlag && message != null)
// Everything gets here! :(