不幸的是,我以前从未自己编写过代码。我的实现在基于对“日期”字段进行排序的自定义类上运行。是的,我完全知道我可以使用内置的 Javascript 排序并指定比较器函数,但这不是我感兴趣的。



function target_sort_wrapper(array) {
    target_sort(array, array.length, 0, array.length);

//Quicksort to swap around targets based on dates
//"array" is DDATA, where DDATA[i] are targets
function target_sort(array, length, left, right) {
    if (length < 2) {
    var pivotIndex = choosePivot(array, length); //returns the index    

    partition(array, pivotIndex, left, right);

    target_sort(array, pivotIndex, 0, pivotIndex - 1);
    target_sort(array, pivotIndex, pivotIndex + 1, array.length);


function partition(array, pivotIndex, left, right) {
    //first, put the pivot as the first element to make things easier
    array.swap(pivotIndex, 0);
    var pivot = array[0];
    var i = left + 1;
    for (var j = left + 1; j < right; j++) {
        if (dateValue(array[j].date) < dateValue(pivot.date)) {
            //dateValue converts stuff like "Jun18" into 618, to numerically compare
            array.swap(i, j);
            i = i + 1;
    //don't forget to put pivot back where it belongs
    array.swap(left, i - 1);

function choosePivot(array, length) {
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * length); //0 (inclusive) to length (exclusive) 

    Array.prototype.swap = function (i, j) {
        var temp = this[i];
        this[i] = this[j];
        this[j] = temp;
        return this;


Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 
Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun25 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun19 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jul05 Jun25 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jun25 Jul06 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jul06 Jul06 Jun25 Jul06 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jun25 Jul05 Jun25 Jul05 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul06 Jul05 Jul05 Jul05 Jul06  





2 回答 2



target_sort(array, pivotIndex, 0, pivotIndex - 1);




function choosePivot(length)


于 2012-07-24T19:55:59.033 回答

我现在已经创建了一个正确的版本,感谢 Karoly 的提示。概括:

  • 不应该做关于长度的事情,而是左右
  • 我总是为递归调用选择一个糟糕的支点(再次,必须左右,并且必须落在子数组的正确范围内)


function target_sort_wrapper(array) {
    target_sort(array, 0, array.length);

//Quicksort to swap around targets based on dates
//"array" is DDATA, where DDATA[i] are targets
function target_sort(array, left, right) {
    if ((right-left) < 2) {

    var pivotIndex = choosePivot(left, right); //returns the index  

    pivotIndex = partition(array, pivotIndex, left, right);

    target_sort(array, left, pivotIndex);
    target_sort(array, pivotIndex+1, right);


function partition(array, pivotIndex, left, right) {
    //first, put the pivot as the first element to make things easier
    var pivot = array[pivotIndex];
    array.swap(pivotIndex, left);
    var i = left + 1; 
    for(var j = left + 1; j < right; j++) {
        //if (array[j] > pivot) { } //do nothing, satisfies invariant
        if (dateValue(array[j].date) < dateValue(pivot.date)) {
        //if (array[j] < pivot) {
            array.swap(i, j);
            i = i + 1; 
    //don't forget to put pivot back where it belongs
    array.swap(left, i-1);
    return (i-1);

function choosePivot(left, right) {
    return (left + Math.floor(Math.random() * (right-left)));


Array.prototype.swap = function(i, j) {
    var temp = this[i];
    this[i] = this[j];
    this[j] = temp;
    return this;
于 2012-07-24T22:15:43.307 回答