I'm looking to create a scrolling surfacelistbox which automatically snaps into a position after a drag is finished so that the center item on the screen is centered itself in the viewport.
I've gotten the center item, but now as usual the way that WPF deals with sizes, screen positions, and offsets has me perplexed.
At the moment I've chosen to subscribe to the SurfaceScrollViewer's ManipulationCompleted event, as that seems to consistently fire after I've finished a scroll gesture (whereas the ScrollChanged event tends to fire early).
void ManipCompleted(object sender, ManipulationCompletedEventArgs e)
FocusTaker.Focus(); //reset focus to a dummy element
List<FrameworkElement> visibleElements = new List<FrameworkElement>();
for (int i = 0; i < List.Items.Count; i++)
SurfaceListBoxItem item = List.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(i) as SurfaceListBoxItem;
if (ViewportHelper.IsInViewport(item) && (List.Items[i] as string != "Dummy"))
FrameworkElement el = item as FrameworkElement;
int centerItemIdx = visibleElements.Count / 2;
FrameworkElement centerItem = visibleElements[centerItemIdx];
double center = ss.ViewportWidth / 2;
//ss is the SurfaceScrollViewer
Point itemPosition = centerItem.TransformToAncestor(ss).Transform(new Point(0, 0));
double desiredOffset = ss.HorizontalOffset + (center - itemPosition.X);
centerItem.Focus(); //this also doesn't seem to work, but whatever.
The list snaps, but where it snaps seems to be somewhat chaotic. I have a line down the center of the screen, and sometimes it looks right down the middle of the item, but other times it's off to the side or even between items. Can't quite nail it down, but it seems that the first and fourth quartile of the list work well, but the second and third are progressively more off toward the center.
Just looking for some help on how to use positioning in WPF. All of the relativity and the difference between percentage-based coordinates and 'screen-unit' coordinates has me somewhat confused at this point.