我想将所有连接 LAN 的 IP 地址列出到 VB6 的列表框中。我参观过这个。但我想在 VB6 中做到这一点。我不知道该怎么做。任何帮助表示赞赏。
8410 次
1 回答
纯粹为了获取本地 IP 地址而使用 WinSock 控件 (wsck),请使用以下代码:
Option Explicit
Private Type IPAddr
s_b1 As Byte
s_b2 As Byte
s_b3 As Byte
s_b4 As Byte
End Type
Private Type IPAddrCompat
ul As Long
End Type
Private Type MacAddress
s_b1 As Byte
s_b2 As Byte
s_b3 As Byte
s_b4 As Byte
s_b5 As Byte
s_b6 As Byte
unused As Integer
End Type
Private Declare Function SendARP Lib "Iphlpapi.dll" ( _
ByVal DestIP As Long, _
ByVal SrcIP As Long, _
ByRef pMacAddr As MacAddress, _
ByRef PhyAddrLen As Long _
) As Long
Private Sub cmdGetIPs_Click()
Dim nIndex As Long
Dim vasLocalIP As Variant
Dim uIPAddr As IPAddr
Dim uIPAddrCompat As IPAddrCompat
Dim uMacAddr As MacAddress
Dim nMacAddrLen As Long
vasLocalIP = Split(wsck.LocalIP, ".")
uIPAddr.s_b1 = CByte(vasLocalIP(0))
uIPAddr.s_b2 = CByte(vasLocalIP(1))
uIPAddr.s_b3 = CByte(vasLocalIP(2))
' Iterate through all valid addresses in the final quartet.
For nIndex = 1 To 254
uIPAddr.s_b4 = CByte(nIndex)
LSet uIPAddrCompat = uIPAddr ' Convert 4 bytes into 1 long.
nMacAddrLen = 8 ' Indicate that we are allocating a buffer with 8 bytes.
' Try to find the MAC address for this IP.
If SendARP(uIPAddrCompat.ul, 0&, uMacAddr, nMacAddrLen) = 0 Then
' MAC addresses are 6 bytes long.
If nMacAddrLen = 6 Then
vasLocalIP(3) = CStr(nIndex)
Debug.Print Join(vasLocalIP, "."), MacAddrString(uMacAddr, nMacAddrLen)
End If
End If
Next nIndex
End Sub
' Returns the MAC address as a six byte hex string.
Private Function MacAddrString(ByRef the_uMacAddr As MacAddress, ByVal the_nMacAddrLen) As String
With the_uMacAddr
MacAddrString = Hex2(.s_b1) & ":" & Hex2(.s_b2) & ":" & Hex2(.s_b3) & ":" & Hex2(.s_b4) & ":" & Hex2(.s_b5) & ":" & Hex2(.s_b6)
End With
End Function
' Returns the byte as a two digit hex string.
Private Function Hex2(ByVal the_byt As Byte) As String
Hex2 = Hex$(the_byt)
If Len(Hex2) = 1 Then
Hex2 = "0" & Hex2
End If
End Function
于 2012-07-25T08:14:46.313 回答