So... I was generating queries and then I pastes one particularly long one into eclipse, eclipse encountered a heap error and then crashed. I thought, no big deal, I can just go back in and delete a bunch, except for... every time I try to look at the file now eclipse will just crash. Either a heap error or a gc overhead limit error. I plan on just deleting this from outside eclipse, but I really want to know if there are any clever ways of attacking this problem. It's less than 14 megs, and I didn't really think that eclipse would have a problem with it, any insights on why?


1 回答 1


首先,确保您调用的是通用文本编辑器。使用扩展名 .txt 命名文件,或者确保您没有与文件类型关联的 SQL 编辑器之类的东西。(检查窗口 | 首选项 | 常规 | 编辑器 | 文件关联)。另一种可能性是右键单击文件,选择打开方式..,然后选择“文本编辑器”。

其次,您可能需要使用更多 JVM Heap 来启动 Eclipse,具体取决于工作区中的其他内容。您可以通过向调用中添加命令行参数 (eclipse -vmargs -Xmx1000M) 或编辑 eclipse.ini 来完成此操作。您可以在http://wiki.eclipse.org/FAQ_How_do_I_increase_the_heap_size_available_to_Eclipse%3F阅读更多详细信息

于 2012-07-24T18:08:56.203 回答