这是在 C++ 中进行柯里化的一种方式,并且在最近对 OP 进行编辑之后可能相关也可能不相关。
,我们可以检查是否f(a, b)
#include <utility>
#include <tuple>
/* Two SFINAE utilities */
struct void_ { using type = void; };
template<typename T>
using Void = typename void_<T>::type;
// std::result_of doesn't play well with SFINAE so we deliberately avoid it
// and roll our own
// For the sake of simplicity this result_of does not compute the same type
// as std::result_of (e.g. pointer to members)
template<typename Sig, typename Sfinae = void>
struct result_of {};
template<typename Functor, typename... Args>
struct result_of<
, Void<decltype( std::declval<Functor>()(std::declval<Args>()...) )>
> {
using type = decltype( std::declval<Functor>()(std::declval<Args>()...) );
template<typename Functor, typename... Args>
using ResultOf = typename result_of<Sig>::type;
template<typename Functor, typename... Args>
class curry_type {
using tuple_type = std::tuple<Args...>;
curry_type(Functor functor, tuple_type args)
: functor(std::forward<Functor>(functor))
, args(std::move(args))
// Same policy as the wrappers from std::bind & others:
// the functor inherits the cv-qualifiers from the wrapper
// you might want to improve on that and inherit ref-qualifiers, too
template<typename Arg>
ResultOf<Functor&(Args..., Arg)>
operator()(Arg&& arg)
return invoke(functor, std::tuple_cat(std::move(args), std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Arg>(arg))));
// Implementation omitted for brevity -- same as above in any case
template<typename Arg>
ResultOf<Functor const&(Args..., Arg)>
operator()(Arg&& arg) const;
// Additional cv-qualified overloads omitted for brevity
// Fallback: keep calm and curry on
// the last ellipsis (...) means that this is a C-style vararg function
// this is a trick to make this overload (and others like it) least
// preferred when it comes to overload resolution
// the Rest pack is here to make for better diagnostics if a user erroenously
// attempts e.g. curry(f)(2, 3) instead of perhaps curry(f)(2)(3)
// note that it is possible to provide the same functionality without this hack
// (which I have no idea is actually permitted, all things considered)
// but requires further facilities (e.g. an is_callable trait)
template<typename Arg, typename... Rest>
curry_type<Functor, Args..., Arg>
operator()(Arg&& arg, Rest const&..., ...)
static_assert( sizeof...(Rest) == 0
, "Wrong usage: only pass up to one argument to a curried functor" );
return { std::forward<Functor>(functor), std::tuple_cat(std::move(args), std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Arg>(arg))) };
// Again, additional overloads omitted
// This is actually not part of the currying functionality
// but is here so that curry(f)() is equivalent of f() iff
// f has a nullary overload
template<typename F = Functor>
// This check if for sanity -- if I got it right no user can trigger it
// It *is* possible to emit a nice warning if a user attempts
// e.g. curry(f)(4)() but requires further overloads and SFINAE --
// left as an exercise to the reader
static_assert( sizeof...(Args) == 0, "How did you do that?" );
return invoke(functor, std::move(args));
// Additional cv-qualified overloads for the nullary case omitted for brevity
Functor functor;
mutable tuple_type args;
template<typename F, typename Tuple, int... Indices>
ResultOf<F(typename std::tuple_element<Indices, Tuple>::type...)>
static invoke(F&& f, Tuple&& tuple, indices<Indices...>)
using std::get;
return std::forward<F>(f)(get<Indices>(std::forward<Tuple>(tuple))...);
template<typename F, typename Tuple>
static auto invoke(F&& f, Tuple&& tuple)
-> decltype( invoke(std::declval<F>(), std::declval<Tuple>(), indices_for<Tuple>()) )
return invoke(std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<Tuple>(tuple), indices_for<Tuple>());
template<typename Functor>
curry_type<Functor> curry(Functor&& functor)
{ return { std::forward<Functor>(functor), {} }; }
上面的代码使用 GCC 4.8 的快照编译(除非复制和粘贴错误),前提是有一个indices
foo a;
bar b;
auto f = [](foo a, bar b, baz c, int) { return quux(a, b, c); };
auto curried = curry(f);
auto pass = curried(a);
auto some = pass(b);
auto parameters = some(baz {});
auto result = parameters(0);
是理智的,但这超出了 的控制curry
auto functor = curry([](foo f, int) {});
auto curried = functor(foo {});
auto r0 = curried(0);
auto r1 = curried(1);