I have started a master detail application using storyboard and core data. the managerObjContext is defined in the masterViewController:

@interface addMasterViewController : UITableViewController <NameEditorViewControllerDelegate>
    @property (strong, nonatomic) NSManagedObjectContext *mngObjCntxt;

and synthesized in the m.file:

@implementation addMasterViewController
@synthesize mngObjCntxt=_mngObjCntxt;

now Im trying to set the mngObjCntxt in the application deligate but with no sucess. this is what I have tried:

    #import "addAppDelegate.h"
    #import "addMasterViewController.h"
    #import "addDetailViewController.h"

@implementation addAppDelegate

@synthesize window = _window;
@synthesize splitViewController=_splitViewController;

@synthesize mngObjCntxt = _mngObjCntxt;
@synthesize mngObjModel = _mngObjModel;
@synthesize persistentStoreCoor = _persistentStoreCoor;

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
    UISplitViewController *splitViewController = (UISplitViewController *)self.window.rootViewController;
    UINavigationController *navigationController = [splitViewController.viewControllers lastObject];
    splitViewController.delegate = (id)navigationController.topViewController;
   [[[splitViewController viewControllers] objectAtIndex:0] setMngObjCntxt:[self mngObjCntxt]];

    return YES;

the problem is that via the bolded expresion above im reaching the UINavigationController and not to the masterViewContoller, which hold the mngObjCntxt. so Im falling on the following error:-[UINavigationController setMngObjCntxt:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance how can I access the masterViewController frm the app deligate? thanks! Shimrit.


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确保您已经在 Interface Builder 中设置了主视图控制器的类。

于 2012-07-24T09:52:37.327 回答