What I mean is this. Say we read from standard input a bunch of text, and one by one we read it into a character type. If one of these characters is a newline, obviously this variable can hold information about the new line. What if I push this character into a string stream, and then output the contents of the string stream into a string?
It appears that this new string doesn't hold any data about the newline character.
Is there anyway to have the string keep this information?
Code snippet:
stringstream ssChar;
unsigned char aChar;
string strChar;
sourceFile >> noskipws >> aChar;
ssChar << aChar;
getline(ssChar, strChar);
cout << "Next char is: " << (int)aChar << endl;
cout << "Length of char(from stringstream): " << strChar.length() << endl;
Input: file with a newline xxd sourceFile
0000000: 0a0a (2 newlines actually) ..
Output: Next char is: 10 (ascii newline) Length of char: 0 (str is empty however)