Can somebody tell me the difference between the Website with Facebook Login URL and the Mobile Web URL?

We own a domain that handles all of our delivery of digital gift cards domain1.com. I would like to have an entry point hosted on a separate domain, domain2.com, that is configured for my facebook app, which handles the landing page & facebook connect code. A backend service we have manages the actual posting to the facebook users wall. The problem I'm having is the link that's generated on the facebook users wall points to domain1.com, but was generated by an app from domain2.com, which throws an error from Facebook.

Ultimately the problem comes down to setting an app domain that derives from the Site URL or Mobile URL. So I googled facebook app multiple domains which lead to this SO post, which has a comment about setting your 2nd domain as the Mobile URL, which then allows me to add both domain1.com and domain2.com to the App Domain setting in my FB app.

What I really want to know is - what impact will setting both of these values have on my app? I've tried testing it on my mobile device - both inside the FB app and in safari via facebook mobile, and neither of them had a problem. Is this a suitable workaround for my problem?



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我遇到的问题是在 facebook 用户墙上生成的链接指向 domain1.com,但它是由 domain2.com 的应用程序生成的,这会从 Facebook 引发错误。



于 2012-07-24T12:15:42.823 回答