我有一台没有连接到互联网的 Windows 机器。由于安全原因,也无法将此机器连接到互联网。
从PyDev使用SourceForge 下载并通过以下说明手动安装:
Installing with the zip file
The available locations for the zip files are:
Sourceforge download
After downloading the zip file:
Eclipse 3.4 onwards
Extract the contents of the zip file in the eclipse/dropins folder and restart Eclipse.
Before Eclipse 3.4
Extract the contents of the zip file on top of Eclipse, making sure the plugins folder is extracted on top of the
eclipse/plugins folder and the features is on top of the eclipse/features folder.
After that, restart Eclipse with the '-clean' flag, so that Eclipse finds out about it.
使用http://www.liclipse.com。它具有 PyDev 内置并且易于安装。