我已经定义了以下 Parsec 解析器,用于将 csv 文件解析为字符串表,即[[String]]
--A csv parser is some rows seperated, and possibly ended, by a newline charater
csvParser = sepEndBy row (char '\n')
--A row is some cells seperated by a comma character
row = sepBy cell (char ',')
--A cell is either a quoted cell, or a normal cell
cell = qcell <|> ncell
--A normal cell is a series of charaters which are neither , or newline. It might also be an escape character
ncell = many (escChar <|> noneOf ",\n")
--A quoted cell is a " followd by some characters which either are escape charaters or normal characters except for "
qcell = do
char '"'
res <- many (escChar <|> noneOf "\"")
char '"'
return res
--An escape character is anything followed by a \. The \ will be discarded.
escChar = char '\\' >> anyChar
我真的不知道这些评论是否太多和烦人,是否有帮助。作为 Parsec 菜鸟,他们会帮助我,所以我想我会添加它们。
它工作得很好,但是有一个问题。它在表中创建一个额外的空行。因此,例如,如果我有一个包含 10 行的 csv 文件(即只有 10 行。最后没有空行*),则[[String]]
结构的长度为 11,最后一个String
s 列表将包含 1 个元素。一个空的String
(至少这是使用 打印时的样子show
我注意到的另一件事是,如果 csv 文件中的数据后面有空行,则这些行最终将成为String
*在十六进制编辑器中查看文本文件后,它似乎确实以换行符结尾,即使 vim 没有显示它......