Is it possible to display relative line numbers on the right margin of an Emacs buffer, and keep normal line numbers on the left margin?


1 回答 1


这可以作为一个起点。加载此定义并执行M-x linum-mode.

(defun linum-relative-right-set-margin ()
  "Make width of right margin the same as left margin"
  (let* ((win (get-buffer-window))
     (width (car (window-margins win))))
    (set-window-margins win width width)))

(defadvice linum-update-current (after linum-left-right-update activate)
  "Advice to run right margin update"
  (linum-relative-right-update (line-number-at-pos)))

(defadvice linum-delete-overlays (after linum-relative-right-delete activate)
  "Set margins width to 0"
  (set-window-margins (get-buffer-window) 0 0))

(defun linum-relative-right-update (line)
  "Put relative numbers to the right margin"
  (dolist (ov (overlays-in (window-start) (window-end)))
    (let ((str (overlay-get ov 'linum-str)))
      (if str
      (let ((nstr (number-to-string
               (abs (- (string-to-number str) line)))))
        ;; copy string properties
        (set-text-properties 0 (length nstr) (text-properties-at 0 str) nstr)
        (overlay-put ov 'after-string
             (propertize " " 'display `((margin right-margin) ,nstr))))))))


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于 2012-12-28T14:48:54.790 回答