I use PloneFormGen to create a requirement form for a list of items.

I wish to increase the list dynamically i.e. if the items required is 2, the number of input fields for the required items is 2. If I wish to add the 3rd item, I should be able to click a button say a "+" link and make the 3rd additional input field available to add it.

How can this feature be enabled? Is is available with plone 4.1 already?


1 回答 1


尝试安装此 PFG 扩展: http: //pypi.python.org/pypi/Products.PFGDataGrid

“它向 PloneFormGen 添加了一个 DataGridField 表单字段。为 plone 4 [vangheem] 修复”

然后它应该在 Plone4.1 上的 PFG 上工作。

于 2012-07-23T08:29:24.383 回答