我制作了一个使用凸多边形的游戏。我的计划是让这些多边形根据它们的质量和速度发生碰撞和反弹。但首先我需要确保它们没有重叠。此代码检查多边形 A 的每条边,以查看多边形 B 的任何顶点是否在垂直于边的轴上重叠。整个方法返回修复多边形 A 所需的结果向量:
/**Calculates adjustment vector for EntityPolygon A*/
public Vector calculateCollision(EntityPolygon A, EntityPolygon B) {
//this is a large number so the first comparison of overlap is true
double overlap = 10000;
//this is the angle of the axis to apply the overlap vector
double angle = 0;
//I ran a for loop for every edge of the polygon
for(int x = 0; x <= A.numPoint - 1; x++) {
//create variables
Vector edge;
Vector axis;
double centerA;
double centerB;
double maxA;
double maxB;
double minA;
double minB;
//this if statement finds this point and the next point
//to make a Vector of the edge
if(x != A.numPoint - 1) {
edge = new Vector(A.point[x], A.point[x + 1]);
} else {
edge = new Vector(A.point[x], A.point[0]);
//this finds the axis perpendicular axis of the edge
axis = edge.getRightNormal();
//finds the location of both polygon's centers when projected onto
//the velocity(projectionOnVelocity() projects the point on the
//new axis)
centerA = A.getLocation().getProjectionOnVelocity(axis);
centerB = B.getLocation().getProjectionOnVelocity(axis);
//finds the location of polygons A and B on the axis by
//setting the min and max of their highest and lowest points
maxA = findMax(A, axis);
maxB = findMax(B, axis);
minA = findMin(A, axis);
minB = findMin(B,axis);
//final comparison to find overlapping vector.
if(centerA > centerB) {//if A is above B on the axis
if(maxB > minA) {//if the max point on B is above min on A
double m = maxB - minA;
if(m < overlap) {
overlap = m;
angle = axis.angle;
} else {
//(0,0) vector
return Vector.getDefault();
} else if(centerB > centerA) {//if B is above A on axis
if(maxA > minB) {//if the max point on A is above min on B
double m = maxA - minB;
if(m < overlap) {
overlap = m;
angle = axis.angle + Math.PI;
} else {
//(0,0) vector
return Vector.getDefault();
//if the overlap value has been set by the edges of Polygon A
if(overlap != 10000) {
//returns the adjustment vector along overlap edge axis
return new Vector(angle, overlap, true);
} else {
(0,0) vector
return Vector.getDefault();