We have a WHMCS installation and a multicraft installation and then the site itself has a login for the user's profile.

Basically what I'm looking to do is have it so if the user has a site account and they enter their login for WHMCS and multicraft basically tying their accounts together, (Real quick, I know how to process the logins for each of these systems individually so that's not my problem here) I would like to be able to have it so if they login to their site account, during the login process it also logs them into the other services in the background. I'm trying to figure out a good way to implement the "background" part of it. WHMCS has an API to validate the login but I've never worked with API's so I'm not sure yet how to exactly do that but I think I can manage that.

WHMCS API (For those interested): http://docs.whmcs.com/API:Validate_Login


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基本上,您必须告诉 multicraft 与其查看自己的身份验证系统,不如调用 WHMCS 来检查用户是否已经在那里登录。它与 Facebook 或 Twitter 一起工作的方式称为 OAuth:http : //hueniverse.com/oauth/guide/workflow/ - 我想你应该修改 multicraft 以支持类似的东西。你可以在这里找到图书馆:http: //oauth.net/2/

这里有一个 WHMCS 的库:http ://whmcsaddon.com/products/oauth/

于 2012-07-22T22:49:19.023 回答