setTransform is based on a 2D Matrix (3x3). These kinds of matrices are used for 2D/3D projections and are typically handled by game engines these days, rather than the programmers who make games.
These things are a little bit linear-algebra and a little bit calculus (for the rotation).
You're not going to like this a whole lot, but here's what you're looking at doing:
function degs_to_rads (degs) { return degs / (180/Math.PI); }
function rads_to_degs (rads) { return rads * (180/Math.PI); }
Start with these helper functions, because while we think well in degrees, computers and math systems work out better in radians.
Then you want to start with calculating your rotation:
var rotation_degs = 45,
rotation_rads = degs_to_rads(rotation_degs),
angle_sine = Math.sin(rotation_rads),
angle_cosine = Math.cos(rotation_rads);
Then, based on the layout of the parameters:
ctx.setTransform(scaleX, skewY, skewX, scaleY, posX, posY);
in the following order, when rearranged into a transform matrix:
//| scaleX, skewX, posX |
//| skewY, scaleY, posY |
//| 0, 0, 1 |'d want to submit the following values:
ctx.setTransform(angle_cosine, angle_sine, -angle_sine, angle_cosine, x, y);
// where x and y are now the "centre" of the rotation
This should get you rotation clockwise.
The marginal-benefit being that you should then be able to multiply everything by the scale that you initially wanted (don't multiply the posX and posY, though).