I would like to host a project on AppHarbor. The project's Hg repository is hosted on BitBucket. The issue is that my repository contains a subrepo (also Hg on BitBucket). It seems there is no way for AppHarbor to pull subrepos, so the project fails to build.

AppHarbor is aware of the issue and states that the solution is up to BitBucket:

BitBucket has an open ticket, but no updates:

My question is, does anyone have a good workaround for this? I would be willing just to ftp the working directory to AppHarbor, but I don't see how to do that.


1 回答 1


Bitbucket 修改归档 tarball 以包含子存储库可能不合适。

但是,您可以轻松地设置一些东西来构建您自己的 tarball,appharbor 可以处理这些 tarball,并使它们可用于 appharbor。一个在某处运行的 cron 作业hg pull ; hg update ; tar -czvf /docroot/workingdir.tar.gz workingdir就足以创建一个应用程序港口可以使用的 Web 可访问的 tarball。

更好的解决方法是让 app Harbor 进行克隆和更新,而不是下载 tarball。Mercurial 和 git 具有获取代码的内置方法,而 tarball 是一种后备机制,而不是主要机制。例如,像 Jenkins 这样的流行 CI 系统使用克隆来获取代码,而不是 tarball 下载,因此它们可以正常工作。

于 2012-07-22T16:55:15.190 回答