Android newbee 在这里,我有一些我想在我的 android 应用程序第一次启动时运行的代码。它检查本地数据库的版本,如果当前版本过时,则下载新版本。我一直坚持在我的第一个活动的 oncreate 中,很确定必须有一个更好的地方来放置它。有什么推荐的地方我可以把它放在启动时会被调用一次的地方吗?


2 回答 2


You can write a custom Application class (extend from android.app.Application). Override onCreate to specify what happens when the application is started:

public class MyApplication extends Application {
    public void onCreate() {

        // Do something here.

You'll then need to register your custom class in the manifest file:

<application ... android:name="fully.qualified.MyApplication">


In response to David Cesarino, I disagree with the purpose of the Application class. If you rely on the Activity's onCreate, then what's to stop it from becoming the same huge class of miscellaneous purposes... if you need something to happen when the application starts, you have to write that code somewhere; and the Activity would probably become more cluttered because you have to perform Activity specific logic in it as well. If you're worried about clutter, then separate the logic into other classes and call them from the Application. Using the SharedPreferences to determine whether or not the logic should execute seems like more of a work-around to a problem that's already been solved.

Dianne Hackborn seems to be referring to data, not logic, in which I totally agree. Static variables are much better than Application level variables... better scoping and type safety make maintainability/readability much easier.

于 2012-07-21T17:13:16.417 回答

首先,看一下Activity 生命周期


我一直坚持在我的第一个活动的 oncreate 中,很确定必须有一个更好的地方来放置它。

那为什么呢?任何代码都有一个入口点,对吧?在 Android 活动中它恰好是onCreate(再次,请参阅上面的链接以获取完整的详细信息)。除了事件处理(即对主调用序列之外发生的事件的响应)之外,您还可以在onCreate.



这是对drumboog 提议的后续行动,因为我的评论开始变得复杂到“只是评论”。


对于您想要的,您可以在Activity onCreate. 这降低了复杂性,因为我看到人们一直在填充Application,直到它变成一大类杂项代码。这是维护的禁忌,本身就有逻辑问题。

Besides, if you truly want another solution, completely disassociated with the UI, you should think about implementing a Service instead (but I don't think it's necessary for just that).

Both of those concerns were previously addressed by Dianne Hackborn (or what I got from her message).

于 2012-07-21T17:07:44.863 回答