我想在单个查询中检索一组对象 ( A) 和一些相关对象 ( )。B没有导航属性AB所以我相信我需要使用以下语法:

select a from db.As where a.Id = x select new AndBHolder
   A = a,
   Bs = select b from db.Bs where b.ASomeId == A.SomeId select b


select a from db.As where a.Id = x select new AndBHolder
   A = a,
   Bs = select b from db.Bs.Include("Cs") where b.ASomeId == A.SomeId select b


select a from db.As where a.Id = x select new AndBHolder
   A = a,
   Bs = select b from db.Bs where b.ASomeId == A.SomeId select new B
           Id = b.Id,
           // ...
           Cs = select c from db.Cs where c.BId == b.Id select c

失败并显示“B无法在 LINQ to Entities 查询中构造实体或复杂类型''”,因为您不允许投影到映射对象中。那么我如何检索Bs他们Cs填充的内容,或者不支持二级包含?我是否只需要对数据库进行两次调用,一次是检索 As ,一次是Bs使用他们的检索Cs


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如果您使用select new不能Include再使用的投影,它将被忽略。相反,您必须将相关实体添加到投影数据中,例如:

var query = from a in db.As
            join b in db.Bs on a.SomeId equals b.ASomeId into bGroup
            where a.Id = x
            select new AndBHolder
                A = a,
                Bs = bGroup, // Bs must be of type IEnumerable<B>
                Cs = bGroup.SelectMany(bg => bg.Cs) // Cs is IEnumerable<C>

B如果和之间的关系C是一对多(不是多对多),则 EF 应该Cs在每次加载时B自动填充集合(这称为“关系修复”),这意味着您可以Cs在数据之后从投影中丢弃已从数据库加载。要将这些放在一起,您可以尝试像这样编写查询:

var query = (from a in db.As
             join b in db.Bs on a.SomeId equals b.ASomeId into bGroup
             where a.Id = x
             select new
                 A = a,
                 Bs = bGroup,
                 Cs = bGroup.SelectMany(bg => bg.Cs)
             .AsEnumerable() // DB query gets executed here
             .Select(y => new AndBHolder
                 A = y.A,
                 Bs = y.Bs // the Cs in every B should be populated here
于 2012-07-21T16:45:10.570 回答