I'm trying to display the following passwords in a message box. What I want to happen is to give to the user the first password, which is 111111, by means of message box. After 111111 has been given, the next time the user asks for another password, it will be 222222, and so on and so forth. If all the passwords have been used up, the loop will simply return to 111111, 222222, 333333, etc... How do I do it? Thanks for any help.
Here's my code:
int[] password;
password = new int[10];
password[0] = 000000;
password[1] = 111111;
password[2] = 222222;
password[3] = 333333;
password[4] = 444444;
password[5] = 555555;
password[6] = 666666;
password[7] = 777777;
password[8] = 888888;
password[9] = 999999;
MessageBox.Show("Your password is ...");