This is a follow-up to my previous question.

Suppose I process my files in parallel. Now I would like to write the processing results to a file. Since the results do not fit in memory I cannot just wait until the processing of all files finish and then write the results. I have to do the processing and writing in parallel somehow.

For example: Suppose I have files with numbers. The file size is about 500M. The number of files is about 200. Each file fits in memory but all of them do not fit. Now I would like to write all even numbers found in these files to another file.

How to do that in Scala (with Futures, and Scala parallel collections)?


2 回答 2



class FileWriterActor(path: String) extends Actor {

  val file = ... // init FileWriter

  // this is how you implement an akka actor
  // plain scala actors look a bit different        
  def receive = {
    case x: MyResult => file.write(x.toString)

  override def postStop() = file.close()

// usage
val result = ... // calculation stuff
fileWriter ! result
于 2012-07-21T06:17:58.480 回答


import java.io.{File, PrintWriter}
import akka.actor.{Actor,ActorSystem,Props}

object AkkaWriterExample extends App{

  val outputPath : String = ???
  val system = ActorSystem("WriterSystem")
  val writer = system.actorOf(Props(new WriterActor(new File(outputPath))), name="writer")
  writer ! "this is a test"

class WriterActor(outFile: File) extends Actor {

  val writer = new PrintWriter(outFile)

  // this is how you implement an akka actor
  // plain scala actors look a bit different        
  def receive = {
    case str:String => println(str); writer.write(str);

  override def postStop() = {
于 2015-08-18T15:04:53.633 回答