I wanted to know if there were any jquery/html or c# plugins that would help me do the following.

Drag an item from a data list that is populated from the database and drop it into an empty graph. Then have the graph fill with the information that was dropped in.

Current working on a solution but having a difficult time with the populating of the graph.

Any solutions or suggestions would be great! Thanks.

ps. Cannot use css3 or html 5


1 回答 1


Sencha 的框架 Ext JS 4 可能有你正在寻找的东西。它具有拖放功能、非常好的图表包和数据绑定支持。

它是为利用 css3 和 html5 而构建的,但是当缺少某些功能时,它应该具有一些不错的后备功能,因此它可能不是问题。

于 2012-07-21T02:42:30.520 回答