I have a stored procedure that works and has been working for months for inserting data.
Here's the "short" version:
procedure saveApplication( in_confirmation_number varchar2 := null
,in_nonstandard_address varchar2 := null
,in_absentee_type varchar2 := null) AS
insert into vr_application (
,absentee_type )
values ( in_confirmation_number
I'm working in bulk so I stuff the data in as arrays after pulling the value from a datatable. Again, below is the "shortened" version.
private static void loadFiles(DataTable dt, string connString, ErrorLogger log)
OracleConnection orclconn = null;
OracleCommand cmd = null;
using (orclconn = new OracleConnection(connString))
using (cmd = BuildCommand(dt))
cmd.Connection = orclconn;
private static OracleCommand BuildCommand(DataTable dt)
OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand();
cmd.CommandText = "Applications.saveApplication";
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.ArrayBindCount = dt.Rows.Count;
cmd.BindByName = true;
.Select(row => row.Field<string>("CONFIRMATION_NUMBER"))
OracleParameter in_confirmation_number = new OracleParameter();
in_confirmation_number.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Varchar2;
in_confirmation_number.Value = CONFIRMATION_NUMBER;
in_confirmation_number.ParameterName = "in_confirmation_number";
string[] ABSENTEE_TYPE = dt
.Select(row => row.Field<string>("ABSENTEE_TYPE"))
OracleParameter in_absentee_type = new OracleParameter();
in_absentee_type.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Varchar2;
in_absentee_type.Value = ABSENTEE_TYPE;
in_absentee_type.ParameterName = "in_absentee_type";
.Select(row => row.Field<string>("NONSTANDARD_ADDRESS"))
OracleParameter in_nonstandard_address = new OracleParameter();
in_absentee_type.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Varchar2;
in_absentee_type.Value = NONSTANDARD_ADDRESS;
in_absentee_type.ParameterName = "in_nonstandard_address";
return cmd;
Scenario 1: nonstandard_address code is commented out. Everything works.
Scenario 2: nonstandard_address code is not commented out. But instead of passing values into the original datatable, I hardcode the value "null". Everything works. This is where it has been for months.
Scenario 3: the datatable for nonstandard address has a single row which has a value in nonstandard address. All other rows contain null for this column. I get an Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException, #ORA-06550, with the message "Encountered the symbol ">" when expecting one of the following...."
To attempt to identify the problem, I simply looped through the values in the array. I get the same error on the last loop iteration, which is always one more than the number of records in the data table (100). But if I loop without attempting to create an Oracle Parameter for nonstandard, I get no error and only 100 loop iterations.
If I do Scenario 2 and successfully fill the table with everything except nonstandard_address, I can then run the following in Oracle, and successfully update the table.
update vr_application a
set nonstandard_address = (select nonstandard_address from unprocessed_apps b where b.confirmation_number = a.confirmation_number)
where exists (select 1 from unprocessed_apps where confirmation_number = a.confirmation_number)
Can anyone see a mistake here? Anyone seen this before? I'm baffled.