我在 Magento 中创建了一个模块,通过创建随机产品、订单和客户来复制大型商店。上面描述的数据创建发生在我的模型中,它是直接的 PHP 代码。尽管使用了 PHP 的 unset() 和 Magento 的 clearInstance(),但我遇到了严重的内存管理问题。我在下面注释了大约 10 行代码,显示了我释放内存的尝试是如何失败的。
* Creates random customers.
* @param int $offset, used to make sure the ids created are unique
protected function _createCustomer($offset)
// Create some random customer information
$firstName = strtolower($_firstNames[array_rand($_firstNames, 1)]);
$lastName = strtolower($_lastNames[array_rand($_lastNames, 1)]);
$customerEmail = $firstName[0] . $lastName.time().$offset."@weliketopumpit.com";
// Retrieve customer model
$customer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer')
// Populate model and save it
->setEmail ($customerEmail)
->setLastname ($lastName)
->setPassword ('password1')
->setCreatedAt(rand($this->_startDate, time()));
$this->log(memory_get_usage() . "\n"); // Returns 17306840
$customer->clearInstance(); // Called to clean up the object
$this->log(memory_get_usage()); // Returns 17307304, memory wasn't unallocated
debug_zval_dump($customer); //Returns a refcount(2)
调用 unset 代替 clearInstance() 会产生相同的结果。使用 Magento 模型后如何清理的任何提示?