在 Mysql 中,我有 fdllowing 查询以及下面的结果

drop table tab1;
(col1 integer,col2 integer(10),col3 varchar(10),col4 integer)engine=memory
insert into tab1
insert into tab1
insert into tab1
insert into tab1
insert into tab1
insert into tab1

select col1,col2,col3,col4,min(col4)
from tab1
group by col2

'100', '1', 'Hello', '9', '7'
'400', '2', 'HiThere', '6', '6'
'500', '3', 'Howdy', '5', '4'

在 Oracle 中,我想要与 Mysql 相同的结果

with tab1 as (
 select 100 col1, 1 col2, 'Hello' col3,9 col4  from dual
 union all
 select 200 col1, 1 col2, 'HelloWrld' col3,8 col4  from dual
 union all
 select 300 col1, 1 col2, 'HelloTher' col3,7 col4  from dual
 union all
 select 400 col1, 2 col2, 'HiThere' col3,6 col4  from dual
 union all
 select 500 col1, 3 col2, 'Howdy' col3,5 col4  from dual
 union all
 select 600 col1, 3 col2, 'Hiya' col3,4 col4  from dual
 select min(col1),col2,min(col3),col4,min(col4)
 from tab1
 group by col2,col4

Result I get is this
 MIN(COL1)       COL2 MIN(COL3)       COL4  MIN(COL4)
---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------
       100          1 Hello              9          9
       200          1 HelloWrld          8          8
       500          3 Howdy              5          5
       600          3 Hiya               4          4
       300          1 HelloTher          7          7
       400          2 HiThere            6          6


'100', '1', 'Hello', '9', '7'
'400', '2', 'HiThere', '6', '6'
'500', '3', 'Howdy', '5', '4'

我如何在 Oracle 中实现 Mysql like group by 我无法得到这个,这是我试图解决的长查询的一部分


2 回答 2


根据 mysql 文档,未在 group by 中指定的列的结果可以来自任何行。

因此,Oracle 中一个完全合理的查询是:

 select min(col1),col2,min(col3),min(col4),min(col4)
 from tab1
 group by col2

如果您的 mysql 代码取决于选择的特定值,则该代码已损坏。你需要弄清楚你想要什么,并弄清楚如何在 Oracle 中得到它。

于 2012-07-20T15:48:43.287 回答

假设您的意图是获得确定性结果(与不确定的 MySQL 结果不同)并且您要保留的col1-col4数据是col1给定col2值具有最小值的行的数据,您可以使用分析函数

SQL> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf

  1  with tab1 as (
  2   select 100 col1, 1 col2, 'Hello' col3,9 col4  from dual
  3   union all
  4   select 200 col1, 1 col2, 'HelloWrld' col3,8 col4  from dual
  5   union all
  6   select 300 col1, 1 col2, 'HelloTher' col3,7 col4  from dual
  7   union all
  8   select 400 col1, 2 col2, 'HiThere' col3,6 col4  from dual
  9   union all
 10   select 500 col1, 3 col2, 'Howdy' col3,5 col4  from dual
 11   union all
 12   select 600 col1, 3 col2, 'Hiya' col3,4 col4  from dual
 13   )
 14  select col1,
 15         col2,
 16         col3,
 17         col4,
 18         min_col4
 19    from (select col1,
 20                 col2,
 21                 col3,
 22                 col4,
 23                 min(col4) over (partition by col2) min_col4,
 24                 rank() over (partition by col2 order by col1) rnk
 25            from tab1)
 26*  where rnk = 1
SQL> /

      COL1       COL2 COL3            COL4   MIN_COL4
---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------
       100          1 Hello              9          7
       400          2 HiThere            6          6
       500          3 Howdy              5          4
于 2012-07-20T15:49:07.853 回答