我是 C 编程语言的新手,我想问一个问题。

这里的整数 i 被转换为浮点数,然后 f (不知何故)成功代表 5.0:

int i = 5;
float f = i;   //Something happened here...


int i = 5;
float f = *(float *)&i;

f 不会得到 5.0,因为它以“浮点方式”解释存储在 i 中的位。那么编译器在第一种情况下实际上做了什么魔法呢?这似乎是一项相当费力的工作......有人可以指定吗?谢谢。


7 回答 7


这是一项费力的工作,但任何支持浮点的 CPU 都会提供执行此操作的指令。

如果您必须自己将 2 的补码转换int为 IEEE 浮点格式,您将:

  • 取整数 base-2 对数(与最高设置位的索引密切相关),它为您提供指数。对此进行偏移并将其存储在浮点数的指数位中。
  • n将int 的最高位(从第一个设置的非符号位之后的位开始)复制到浮点数的有效位。n然而,a 中有许多有效位float(32 位单精度浮点数为 23)。如果 中有任何剩余位int(即,如果它大于 2 24),并且您有空间的位之后的下一位是1,您可能会或可能不会根据操作中的 IEEE 舍入模式进行舍入。
  • 将符号位从 复制intfloat
于 2012-07-20T15:16:17.953 回答


    int i = 5;
000D139E  mov         dword ptr [i],5  
    float f = i;
000D13A5  fild        dword ptr [i]  
000D13A8  fstp        dword ptr [f]  


于 2012-07-20T15:29:01.330 回答

将 int 位转换为浮点数

float IntBitsToFloat(long long int bits)
    int sign     = ((bits & 0x80000000) == 0) ? 1 : -1;
    int exponent = ((bits & 0x7f800000) >> 23);
    int mantissa =  (bits & 0x007fffff);

    mantissa |= 0x00800000;
   // Calculate the result:
   float f = (float)(sign * mantissa * Power(2, exponent-150));
   return f;
于 2017-05-16T06:37:54.030 回答

在 IA32 系统上,编译器将生成以下内容:-

fild dword ptr [i] ; load integer in FPU register, I believe all 32bit integers can be represented exactly in an FPU register
fstp dword ptr [f] ; store fpu register to RAM, truncating/rounding to 32 bits, so the value may not be the same as i
于 2012-07-20T15:30:03.787 回答

The magic depends on your platform.

One possibility is that your CPU has a special instruction to copy floating point numbers into integral registers.

Of course someone has to design these CPUs, so this is not really an explanation for the algorithm at hand.

A platform might be using a floating point format that goes like this (actually, this is a fixed-point format for the sake of example):


where s is the sign, the Is are the part before the dot, the Fs are the part after the dot, e.g. (dot is virtual and only for presentation)

 -  47.5000

in this case conversion is almost trivial and can be implemented using bitshifting:

 >> 4

And like in this example, commodity C++ implementations use a floating point representation often referred to as IEEE Floating Point, see also IEEE 754-1985. These are more complicated than fixed-point numbers, as they really designate a simple formula of the form _s*mn, however, they have a well defined interpretation and you can unfold them into something more suitable.

于 2012-07-20T15:26:12.663 回答


   int i = 5;
00A613BE  mov         dword ptr [i],5 

   float f = i;
00A613C5  fild        dword ptr [i] 
00A613C8  fstp        dword ptr [f] 

第一个汇编语句将 5 移动到由 i 表示的内存中。第二条语句 fild 将 i 表示的内存转换为浮点数,并将其压入 FPU 堆栈。第三条语句 fstp 获取 FPU 堆栈上的内存并将其移至 f。

于 2012-07-20T15:31:11.080 回答

In almost all modern systems, the specification for floating point arithmetic is the IEEE754 standard. This details everything from layout in memory to how truncation and rounding is propagated. It's a big area and someting you quite often need to take detailed account of in scientific and engineering programming.

于 2012-07-20T15:26:37.697 回答