我有一个看起来像这样的 javascript 对象,

var telephones = {
        "phone" : {
            duration    :   time it takes to animate element in,
            leftIn      :   position of element once on the incoming animation
            leftOut     :   position of element on the outgoing animation
            delay       :   delay between two animations
        "phone1": {
            duration    :   850,
            leftIn      :   "408px",
            leftOut     :   "9999px",
            delay       :   0,
        "phone2" : {
            duration    :   600,
            leftIn      :   "962px",
            leftOut     :   "999px",
            delay       :   setDelay(),
        "phone3" : {
            duration    :   657,
            leftIn      :   "753px",
            leftOut     :   "9999px",
            delay       :   0,
        "phone4" : {
            duration    :   900,
            leftIn      :   "1000px",
            leftOut     :   "9999px",
            delay       :   setDelay(),
        "phone5" : {
            duration    :   1200,
            leftIn      :   "800px",
            leftOut     :   "9999px",
            delay       :   0,
        "phone6" : {
            duration    :   792,
            leftIn      :   "900px",
            leftOut     :   "9999px",
            delay       :   setDelay(),


我正在使用上面的对象来尝试为幻灯片中的单个元素设置动画,这些元素已经通过 jquery 循环插件进行了动画处理。我按以下方式使用代码,

    fx: 'scrollHorz',
    before  :   triggerParralex,
    after   :   removeParralex,
    easing  :   'easeOutCubic',
    speed   :   2000


function bgChange(curr, next, opts) {
    var background = $(".current").attr('data-background');
    $.backstretch(background, {target: "#backstrectch", centeredY: true, speed: 800});

function triggerParralex(curr, next, opts) {
    //move any phones that are in the viewport
    for (var key in telephones) {
        var obj = telephones[key];
        for (var prop in obj) {
            if($(".current ." + key).length) { //does .custom .phone1/2/3/4/5/6 exist if it does we can carry on
                setTimeout(function() {
                    $(".current ." + key).animate({
                        "left"      :   obj["leftOut"],
                        "opacity"   :   0
                    }, obj["duration"]);
                }, obj["delay"]);

    //change the background

    //remove the current class from the DIV


function removeParralex(curr, next, opts) {

    //give the slide a current class so that we can identify it.

    //animate in any phones that belong to the current slide
    for (var key in telephones) {
        var obj = telephones[key];
        for (var prop in obj) {
            if($(".current ." + key).length) { //does .custom .phone1/2/3/4/5/6 exist if it does we can carry on
                setTimeout(function() {
                    $(".current .phone1").animate({
                        "left"      :   obj["leftIn"],
                        "opacity"   :   1
                    }, obj["duration"]);
                }, obj["delay"]);




第二个问题似乎是,虽然我的脚本会很高兴地发现$(".current .phone1")似乎只是从对象中添加了 phone6 的属性,但我做了一个fiddle



1 回答 1


正如 Felix Kling 在评论中所说,你有一个经典的“闭环内循环”问题。


for (var key in telephones) {
    if($(".current ." + key).length) { //does .custom .phone1/2/3/4/5/6 exist if it does we can carry on
        var obj = telephones[key];
            setTimeout(function() {
                $(".current .phone1").animate({
                    "left"      :   obj["leftIn"],
                    "opacity"   :   1
                }, obj["duration"]);
            }, obj["delay"]);

这个想法是将 obj 嵌入另一个闭包中,将其与循环隔离,从而防止其更改。

于 2012-07-20T15:10:12.070 回答