i need to add clusteringComponent from solr to my application. For tuning the clusteringComponent i use the Carrot2 workbench, which is very useful to find out what ar the right parameters. The point is: i only like to analyse / cluster new data, which is added at the past 24 hours to the solr/lucene index. For that usually i use an timestemp filed on querytime, like:

....&fq=timestemp:[NOW-24HOUR TO NOW]

The question is: is there a way to add this filter query to the carrot2 workbench as an search parameter?


1 回答 1


I just checked that currently there is no way to pass extra Solr parameters from the production releases of Carrot2 Workbench. I've already added such a feature, it is available in development builds of Carrot2 Workbench.

If you'd like to stick with production releases of Carrot2, a possible workaround may be configuring the extra fq parameter directly in your Solr request handler.

于 2012-07-21T11:43:43.503 回答