
id   name          reference
1    AAM           783C3502-19B9-EFA7-D6B8874219EF6734
3    AOC           B4E82054-C09F-4338-50C809C7515E755B

id   name               type
1    Outbound data      Web Hosting
2    Inbound data       Web Hosting
3    API Data           API Traffic
4    Site Space         Disk Space
5    DB Space           Disk Space

site   service   timeperiod     detail
1      4         477             21997
1      5         477                53
1      4         479              1991
1      5         479                53
3      4         477               448
3      5         477                10
3      4         479               448

id     year   month    day    when
477    2012   7        2      2012-07-02 
479    2012   7        3      2012-07-03 


如果我分别在每个站点 UUID 上运行联合查询,


SELECT `month`,`year`, 
        AVG(`usage`.detail) as dbsize, 0 as sitesize, 
        AVG(`usage`.detail) as totalsize 
    FROM site 
    INNER JOIN `usage` ON site.reference 
         IN ('783C3502-19B9-EFA7-D6B8874219EF6734') 
        AND `usage`.site = site.id 
    INNER JOIN service ON service.name = 'DB Space' 
         AND service.id = `usage`.service 
    INNER JOIN timeperiod 
         ON timeperiod.when > '2012-07-01' 
            AND timeperiod.when < '2012-07-31' 
        AND `usage`.timeperiod = timeperiod.id
    WHERE `usage`.site = site.id 
    GROUP BY `month`,`year` 


    SELECT `month`,`year`, 0 as dbsize, 
         AVG(`usage`.detail) as sitesize, 
         AVG(`usage`.detail) as totalsize 
    FROM site 
    INNER JOIN `usage` 
         ON site.reference IN ('783C3502-19B9-EFA7-D6B8874219EF6734') 
        AND `usage`.site = site.id 
    INNER JOIN service 
         ON service.name = 'Site Space'
        AND service.id = `usage`.service 
    INNER JOIN timeperiod 
         ON timeperiod.when > '2012-07-01' 
            AND timeperiod.when < '2012-07-31' 
        AND `usage`.timeperiod = timeperiod.id 
    WHERE `usage`.site = site.id 
    GROUP BY `month`,`year` 


month   year     dbsize      sitesize   totalsize
7       2012    53.0000        0.0000     53.0000
7       2012     0.0000     2002.7273   2002.7273


SELECT `month`,`year`, 
        AVG(`usage`.detail) as dbsize, 0 as sitesize, 
        AVG(`usage`.detail) as totalsize 
    FROM site 
    INNER JOIN `usage` 
        ON site.reference IN ('B4E82054-C09F-4338-50C809C7515E755B') 
        AND `usage`.site = site.id 
    INNER JOIN service 
        ON service.name = 'DB Space' 
            AND service.id = `usage`.service 
    INNER JOIN timeperiod 
        ON timeperiod.when > '2012-07-01' 
            AND timeperiod.when < '2012-07-31' 
        AND `usage`.timeperiod = timeperiod.id
    WHERE `usage`.site = site.id 
     GROUP BY `month`,`year` 


    SELECT `month`,`year`, 0 as dbsize, 
        AVG(`usage`.detail) as sitesize, 
        AVG(`usage`.detail) as totalsize 
    FROM site 
    INNER JOIN `usage` 
        ON site.reference IN ('B4E82054-C09F-4338-50C809C7515E755B') 
        AND `usage`.site = site.id 
    INNER JOIN service ON service.name = 'Site Space'
        AND service.id = `usage`.service 
    INNER JOIN timeperiod 
        ON timeperiod.when > '2012-07-01' 
            AND timeperiod.when < '2012-07-31' 
        AND `usage`.timeperiod = timeperiod.id 
    WHERE `usage`.site = site.id 
    GROUP BY `month`,`year` 


month   year     dbsize      sitesize   totalsize
7       2012    10.0000        0.0000     10.0000
7       2012     0.0000      448.6364    448.6364


但是,当我按如下方式传递多个站点 UUID 时:

    SELECT `month`,`year`, AVG(`usage`.detail) as dbsize, 0 as sitesize, AVG(`usage`.detail) as totalsize 
FROM site 
INNER JOIN `usage` ON site.reference 
        IN ('783C3502-19B9-EFA7-D6B8874219EF6734','B4E82054-C09F-4338-50C809C7515E755B') 
    AND `usage`.site = site.id 
INNER JOIN service 
        ON service.name = 'DB Space' 
        AND service.id = `usage`.service 
INNER JOIN timeperiod 
        ON timeperiod.when > '2012-07-01' 
            AND timeperiod.when < '2012-07-31' 
    AND `usage`.timeperiod = timeperiod.id
WHERE `usage`.site = site.id 
 GROUP BY `month`,`year` 


SELECT `month`,`year`, 0 as dbsize, AVG(`usage`.detail) as sitesize, AVG(`usage`.detail) as totalsize 
FROM site 
INNER JOIN `usage` ON site.reference 
        IN ('783C3502-19B9-EFA7-D6B8874219EF6734','B4E82054-C09F-4338-50C809C7515E755B') 
    AND `usage`.site = site.id 
INNER JOIN service 
        ON service.name = 'Site Space'
    AND service.id = `usage`.service 
INNER JOIN timeperiod 
        ON timeperiod.when > '2012-07-01' 
            AND timeperiod.when < '2012-07-31' 
    AND `usage`.timeperiod = timeperiod.id 
WHERE `usage`.site = site.id 
GROUP BY `month`,`year` 


month   year     dbsize      sitesize   totalsize
7       2012    31.5000        0.0000     31.5000
7       2012     0.0000     1225.6818   1225.6818

与单独传递 id 相比,多个 UUIID 的结果甚至更少。这是因为处理多个 UUID 的查询正在平均各个 UUID 查询的结果。

我希望多 UUID 查询对各个 UUID 的结果求和。我当然希望这是有道理的。



SELECT `month`,`year`, SUM(dbsize) as dbsize, SUM(sitesize) as sitesize, SUM(totalsize) as totalsize 
    SELECT `month`,`year`, AVG(`usage`.detail) as dbsize, 0 as sitesize, AVG(`usage`.detail) as totalsize 
    FROM site 
    INNER JOIN `usage` ON site.reference IN ('783C3502-19B9-EFA7-D6B8874219EF6734','B4E82054-C09F-4338-50C809C7515E755B') 
        AND `usage`.site = site.id 
    INNER JOIN service ON service.name = 'DB Space' AND service.id = `usage`.service 
    INNER JOIN timeperiod ON timeperiod.when > '2012-07-01' AND timeperiod.when < '2012-07-31' 
        AND `usage`.timeperiod = timeperiod.id
    WHERE `usage`.site = site.id 
     GROUP BY `month`,`year` 


    SELECT `month`,`year`, 0 as dbsize, AVG(`usage`.detail) as sitesize, AVG(`usage`.detail) as totalsize 
    FROM site 
    INNER JOIN `usage` ON site.reference IN ('783C3502-19B9-EFA7-D6B8874219EF6734','B4E82054-C09F-4338-50C809C7515E755B') 
        AND `usage`.site = site.id 
    INNER JOIN service ON service.name = 'Site Space'
        AND service.id = `usage`.service 
    INNER JOIN timeperiod ON timeperiod.when > '2012-07-01' AND timeperiod.when < '2012-07-31' 
        AND `usage`.timeperiod = timeperiod.id 
    WHERE `usage`.site = site.id 
    GROUP BY `month`,`year` 
) as x 
GROUP BY `month`,`year`

1 回答 1


如果要按站点引用平均分区,则需要将 Site_reference 添加到 group by 子句。

于 2012-07-20T11:11:54.427 回答