with tmp as (
select asy.aim_student_id, ast.aim_test, asq.response
from aim_student_test ast
join aim_student_qst asq on (asq.aps_yr = ast.aps_yr and asq.aim_test = ast.aim_test and asq.aim_id = ast.aim_id)
join aim_student_yr asy on (asy.aps_yr = ast.aps_yr and asy.aim_student_yr_id = ast.aim_student_yr_id)
where asq.aps_yr = '2012'
and asq.qst_num = 1)
select aim_student_id, aim_test, response
from tmp
where response is null
-- execution-time: 0.032 seconds
define this_year = extract(year from sysdate)
with tmp as (
select asy.aim_student_id, ast.aim_test, asq.response
from aim_student_test ast
join aim_student_qst asq on (asq.aps_yr = ast.aps_yr and asq.aim_test = ast.aim_test and asq.aim_id = ast.aim_id)
join aim_student_yr asy on (asy.aps_yr = ast.aps_yr and asy.aim_student_yr_id = ast.aim_student_yr_id)
where asq.aps_yr = &this_year
and asq.qst_num = 1)
select aim_student_id, aim_test, response
from tmp
where response is null
-- execution-time: 82.202 seconds
唯一的区别是,在一个我使用“2012”,另一个我实现提取(从 sysdate 开始的年份)。
我只能想象 Oracle 正在计算它检查的每条记录的提取(从 sysdate 开始的年份),而我只是不知道如何让它计算一次并将其用作变量。搜索并没有返回我所寻求的答案......所以我来到了 SO.com 的魔术师。如何正确使用
extract(year from sysdate)