我正在尝试制作存储在 ndarray 中的一些数据的直方图。直方图是一组分析的一部分,我在 python 程序中做了一个类。不工作的代码部分如下。
def histogram(self, iters):
samples = T.MCMC(iters) #Returns an [iters,3,4] ndarray
histAC = plt.figure(self.ip) #plt is matplotlib's pyplot
self.ip+=1 #defined at the beginning of the class to start at 0
for l in range(0,4):
h = histAC.add_subplot(2,(iters+1)/2,l+1)
for i in range(0,0.5*self.chan_num):
intAvg = mean(samples[:,i,l])
print intAvg
for k in range(0,iters):
print "Samples is ",samples
h.legend(loc='upper right')
h.set_title("AC Pulse Integral Histograms: "+str(l))
figname = 'ACHistograms.png'
figpath = 'plot'+str(self.ip)
print "Finished!"
#plt.savefig(figpath + figname, format = 'png')
File "johnmcmc.py", line 257, in histogram
h.hist(samples,bins=5000,range=[-6e-9,6e-9],histtype='step') #removed label=apdlabel
File "/x/tsfit/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/axes.py", line 7238, in hist
ymin = np.amin(m[m!=0]) # filter out the 0 height bins
File "/x/tsfit/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/numpy/core/fromnumeric.py", line 1829, in amin
return amin(axis, out)
ValueError: zero-size array to ufunc.reduce without identity
我发现的唯一搜索结果是相同两个对话的多个副本,从中我学到的唯一一件事是 python 直方图不喜欢输入空数组,这就是我在该行上方添加 print 语句的原因这让我很难确保数组不为空。