
I read many times that Framework is not good for product development. Should I use one or it is just good for developing a software and shipping to client?

I read that YII is a fast framework, faster than other. Will it be good for me?

Please suggest with keeping in mind that I am looking for High traffic and high volume DB Website. Because I will only develop this as a pet project so it will also go several round of redesign to make it better.

I read at many places including stackoverflow that Framework is good in discussing things and it is easier for others to understand code. This advantage is not here as I will only develop this code.

I do not plan to market it as product but will use this myself in business if everything goes well.



2 回答 2


框架有助于敏捷开发,尤其是当您的目标只是尽快生产出产品上市和测试时。通常带有 MVC(尽管有时不完美)模式设置,您可以轻松地将代码集成到您的网站而无需重新组织。


symfonyhttp ://www.symfony-project.org/

Yii : http://www.yiiframework.com/

CakePHPhttp ://cakephp.org/

代码点火器: http : //codeigniter.com/


于 2012-07-19T14:34:05.033 回答



  1. 如果您时间紧迫,并且希望快速完成项目。使用框架。
  2. 如果您要长时间处理源代码,并且您将需要一些独特而卓越的功能。如果您是偏执狂并且不想相信其他人编写的代码的安全性。自己写。

或者。如果整个项目以计件方式为您支付报酬 - 使用框架。如果您按小时计酬,请自己写:)

于 2012-07-19T14:36:00.543 回答