
let function parameter1 ... = 
     a lot of adding, multiplying & so on with a lot of 
     literals all over the place

现在,如果我的参数是 int 类型,这个函数就可以正常工作了。但在某个地方,我需要将它增加到 11,我需要额外推动 int64 甚至 BigInteger。那我该怎么办?我复制并粘贴函数,更改名称,然后寻找所有使编译器认为函数应该在 int 上运行的文字外观。这很糟糕。


let greatFunction param1 param2 = (param1+1)/(param2*2)

其中 param1 和 param2 可以是整数类型的任何组合?


通过下面的 kvb 扩展了一个很棒的技巧,我想出了以下内容

module NumericLiteralG 

  let inline FromZero() = LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero
  let inline FromOne() = LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne
  let inline FromInt32 n =
    let rec loop nIn nOut = 
        if nIn>0 then loop (nIn - 1) (nOut + LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne)
        else nOut
    loop n LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero


let inline halfSquare num =
   let res = num / 2G
   res * res

let solve1 = halfSquare 5I 
let solve2 = halfSquare 5.0
let solve3 = halfSquare 5uy



4 回答 4


我认为通用算术是 .NET 语言中的常见问题。有很多文章解释了不同的方法,很快我将发布另一篇解释我的文章,它与您发布的解决方案相似。



open System.Numerics

type FromInt = FromInt with
    static member ($) (FromInt, _:sbyte     ) = fun (x:int) -> sbyte      x
    static member ($) (FromInt, _:int16     ) = fun (x:int) -> int16      x
    static member ($) (FromInt, _:int32     ) = id
    static member ($) (FromInt, _:float     ) = fun (x:int) -> float      x
    static member ($) (FromInt, _:float32   ) = fun (x:int) -> float32    x
    static member ($) (FromInt, _:int64     ) = fun (x:int) -> int64      x
    static member ($) (FromInt, _:nativeint ) = fun (x:int) -> nativeint  x
    static member ($) (FromInt, _:byte      ) = fun (x:int) -> byte       x
    static member ($) (FromInt, _:uint16    ) = fun (x:int) -> uint16     x
    static member ($) (FromInt, _:char      ) = fun (x:int) -> char       x
    static member ($) (FromInt, _:uint32    ) = fun (x:int) -> uint32     x
    static member ($) (FromInt, _:uint64    ) = fun (x:int) -> uint64     x
    static member ($) (FromInt, _:unativeint) = fun (x:int) -> unativeint x
    static member ($) (FromInt, _:bigint    ) = fun (x:int) -> bigint     x
    static member ($) (FromInt, _:decimal   ) = fun (x:int) -> decimal    x
    static member ($) (FromInt, _:Complex   ) = fun (x:int) -> Complex(float x,0.0)  

let inline fromInt (a:int) : ^t = (FromInt  $  Unchecked.defaultof< ^t>) a

module NumericLiteralG =
    let inline FromZero() =LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero
    let inline FromOne() = LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne
    let inline FromInt32 (i:int)     = fromInt i

// This will reduce the number of types inferred, will reduce compile time too.
let inline (+) (a:^t) (b:^t) : ^t = a + b
let inline (-) (a:^t) (b:^t) : ^t = a - b
let inline (*) (a:^t) (b:^t) : ^t = a * b
let inline (/) (a:^t) (b:^t) : ^t = a / b
let inline (~-) (a:^t) : ^t = -a

let inline halfSquare num =
   let res = num / 2G
   res * res

let solve1 = halfSquare 5I 
let solve2 = halfSquare 5.0
let solve3 = halfSquare 5uy 

// Define more generic math functions.
于 2012-07-19T18:46:35.987 回答

是一篇关于 F# 中的通用数值计算的文章。一般来说,您有两种选择:

  • 静态成员约束
  • 全局数字关联(在 F# PowerPack 中可用)




let inline halfSquare num =
   let res = LanguagePrimitives.DivideByInt num 2
   res * res
于 2012-07-19T13:57:45.943 回答


let inline greatFunction param1 param2 = 
    let one = LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne
    let two = one + one

// Usage
let f1 = greatFunction 4 2
let f2 = greatFunction 4L 2L
let f3 = greatFunction 4I 2I
于 2012-07-19T13:59:38.780 回答


let greatFunction (param1:int64) (param2:int64) : int64 = (param1+1)/(param2*2)

现在当然 F# 中没有隐式转换,因此您需要添加L到所有数字文字,但它们至少会显示为编译器错误。

于 2012-07-19T17:28:09.953 回答