我正在使用 PHP 并想一个接一个地运行 2 个函数。
这些函数是 getallmydata() 和 createCSV()
下面的代码可以正常运行第一个函数,但第二个函数 createCSV() 不起作用。似乎没有正确调用它。
//run this function//
//then run this function//
function getallmydata(){
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/cm/csrest_general.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/cm/csrest_clients.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/cm/csrest_campaigns.php';
$api_key = 'MY API KEY';
$wrap = new CS_REST_General($api_key);
$result = $wrap->get_clients();
$Content = "";
if ($result->was_successful()) {
foreach ($result->response as $client) {
$client_wrapper = new CS_REST_Clients($client->ClientID, $api_key);
$client_details_result = $client_wrapper->get();
$campaigns_result = $client_wrapper->get_campaigns();
if ($client_details_result->was_successful()) {
/* This is where the client details will be */
$client_details = $client_details_result->response;
echo ('<pre>');
/*print out the company name*/
echo "Company Name = " . $client_details->BasicDetails->CompanyName . "<br/>";
/*print out the company markup*/
echo "Markup On Delivery = " . $client_details->BillingDetails->MarkupOnDelivery . "<br/>";
$count = 0;
if ($campaigns_result->was_successful()) {
/*print out the latest campaign name of the current campaign*/
foreach ($campaigns_result->response as $campaign_ob) {
echo 'Latest Campaign Name = ' . $campaign_ob->Name . '<br/>';
//echo 'Latest Subject = ' . $campaign_ob->Subject . '<br/>';
//echo 'Total Recipients = ' . $campaign_ob->TotalRecipients . '<br/>';
//echo 'Sent Date = ' . $campaign_ob->SentDate . '<br/>';
/*Set content for CSV File*/
//$Content .= "This is within the loop \n";
if($count > 0) break;
}/*end loop*/
}/*end campaigns if statement*/
echo ('</pre>');
} else {
echo 'Failed with code '.$client_details_result->http_status_code."\n<br /><pre>";
} else {
echo 'Failed with code '.$result->http_status_code."\n<br /><pre>";
echo ('</pre>');
} //end main function
/*create the downloadable csv file*/
function createCSV(){
$FileName = date("d-m-y") . '.csv';
# Titlte of the CSV
//$Content = "Company_Name Markup Campaign_Name Subject Recipients Date \n";
# fill data in the CSV
//$Content .= "\"John Doe\",\"New York, USA\",15,65465464 \n";
$Content .= "Testing The Function Works OK \n";
//$Content .= "This should be another line";
header('Content-Type: application/csv');
header("Content-length: " . filesize($NewFile));
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $FileName . '"');
echo $Content;
}//end csv download function
/*end create downloadable .csv file */