, 或任何适合您情况的方法。您将需要酌情调整此答案。
function generateSQLStatement($_POST) {
$fieldNames = "";
$values = "";
foreach ($_POST as $field => $value) {
if (!empty($value)) {
if (!empty($fieldNames)) {
$fieldNames .= ',';
$values .= ',';
$fieldNames .= SANITIZE_ME($field);
$values .= "'" . SANITIZE_ME($value) . "'";
return "($fieldNames) VALUES ($values)";
// An array whose keys are valid table names and
// whose values are arrays of valid field names
// within the table named in the key
$acceptableFields = array(
'contacts' => array(
// valid fields in the 'contacts' table
'name', 'address' //...
// ... other mappings, if desired
function isValidField($table, $field) {
if (!isset($acceptableFields[$table]))
return false;
return in_array($field, $acceptableFields[$table]);
// Note that in_array is case-sensitive, so you may want
// to just manually loop through $acceptableFields[$table]
// and compare strings yourself.
function insertData($table, array $fieldValuesMap, mysqli $mysqli) {
// First, some self-explanatory validation:
if ($table === null)
throw new InvalidArgumentException('$table cannot be null');
if (!is_string($table))
throw new InvalidArgumentException('$table must be a String');
if (empty($table))
throw new InvalidArgumentException('$table cannot be an empty String');
if (!isset($acceptableFields[$table]))
throw new InvalidArgumentException("\"$table\" is an invalid table name");
$fieldNames = "";
$values = "";
foreach ($fieldValuesMap as $field => $value) {
// check the field name is valid for the given table
// and that the value is not empty. You may want to
// add a logging mechanism for invalid field names to
// help track bugs or even malicious use
if (isValidField($table, $field) && !empty($value)) {
// check to see whether there are any items in
// the lists already
if (!empty($fieldNames)) {
// yes, so add commas:
$fieldNames .= ',';
$values .= ',';
// no need to escape the field name as we have already
// checked that it is valid
$fieldNames .= $field;
// but we do need to escape the value
$values .= "'" . $mysqli->real_escape_string($value) . "'";
// check whether we've actually got anything to insert:
if (empty($fieldNames))
return NULL;
return $mysqli->query("INSERT INTO $table ($fieldNames) VALUES ($values)");
require_once "above.file"; // whatever it's called
if ($_POST) {
$mysqli = new MySQLi(/*...*/);
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
// handle connection error
} else {
// set your charset
$mysqli->set_charset("utf8"); // or whatever you use
$result = insertData('contacts', $_POST, $mysqli);
if ($result === NULL) {
// There was nothing to insert
} elseif ($result === FALSE) {
// An error occurred, handle it here
} else {
// Success! Use $mysqli->insert_id to get your new
// record's ID (if appropriate).