我正在编写一个应用程序,通过网络将消息发送到另一台处理消息并发送回回复(例如布尔值或其他一些数据)的 PC。我的网络通信潜艇(基于 WCF)只是让我能够向另一台 PC 发送消息并处理任何收到的消息。
Private Function NetSendMessage(ByVal message As String) As Boolean
'Send network message to PC with device connected
'returns true if message sent
End Function
Private Sub NetMessageReceived(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MessageEventArgs) Handles NetComm.OnReceiveMessage
'Handles incoming messages
End Sub
Private Function MoveForward() As Boolean
Return (MoveLeftWheel() And MoveRightWheel())
End Function
Private Function MoveLeftWheel() As Boolean
If NetSendMessage("MoveLeftWheel") = False Then Return False
'Network message went through, now we need to know if the command was executed, which the remote PC will tell us
Return ______ *(here is the trouble-- how do I get the boolean response from the other side as to whether this worked or not?)*
End Function
Private Function MoveRightWheel() As Boolean
If NetSendMessage("MoveRightWheel") = False Then Return False
Return ______
End Function
我的一个想法是添加一个 ID 号来标识每条消息(另一方将在其响应中包含该 ID),然后我将有一个 ArrayList 用于“消息队列”。NetMessageReceived 子程序会将任何新消息添加到此 ArrayList,并且任何想要回复的函数都将监视队列以查看其响应是否到达。它会是这样的:
Private NetMessageQueue as New ArrayList
Private LatestMessageID as Integer
Private Sub NetMessageReceived(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MessageEventArgs) Handles NetComm.OnReceiveMessage
'Handles incoming messages
End Sub
Private Function MoveLeftWheel() As Boolean
'Send network message to robot PC
Private MyMessageID as Integer = LatestMessageID + 1
NetSendMessage(MyMessageID & "|" & "MoveLeftWheel")
For Each msg As String in NetMessageQueue
If msg.Split("|")(0) = MyMessageID.ToString Then
'This is the response message we're waiting for
Return Boolean.Parse(msg.Split("|")(1))
End If
End Function
这似乎是一种非常繁琐/不必要的征税方式。我正在考虑可能添加一个 NetSendReceive 函数,例如 MoveRightWheel 可以调用;NetSendReceive 将调用 NetSendMessage,监视消息队列的响应(可能通过委托/IAsyncResult),然后返回响应消息(到等待它的 MoveRightWheel)。
可能有更好的方法来做到这一点 - 有什么想法吗?