我知道在 SSE4 中,添加了一些有利于字符串搜索的指令,特别是 xml 解析。假设我编写了一个利用这些指令的程序,当我将程序移动到另一台具有较旧处理器但没有 SSE4 指令集的计算机时会发生什么?程序会中断吗?

我假设编译器生成哪些指令作为其优化过程的一部分使用,如果编译器在旧 i386 上运行但软件针对 i486,我会丢失这六个指令吗?


所有这些对 Java 字节码或 msil 等中间语言有何影响?


1 回答 1


What you have to do is the following:

You write different versions of the code for different instruction sets. You don't need to rewrite the entire program, but you will have to rewrite those specific areas. Then on program execution you check what is supported and branch appropriately.

So basically you provide an alternative code path for systems without this instruction set.

于 2012-09-10T15:41:25.020 回答