目前我正在使用 Java 设计一个大富翁游戏。

游戏中的每个玩家都可以拥有不同的属性。我遇到的问题是如何为每个玩家分配不同的属性对象。我有一个 Player 类和一个 Properties 类。组合是最好的方法吗?如果是这样,我会怎么做?


5 回答 5


我会添加一个新类 PropertyManager。

这使您可以轻松地在单个位置提供业务规则(良好的关注点分离),而如果您选择组合,则不必深入研究一堆玩家或属性对象。这将使 Player 和/或 Property 类在未来不会被买卖业务规则所拖累。

public final class PropertyManager {

   * The PropertyManager instance, example usage:
   *   PropertyManager.INSTANCE.buyProperty(property, buyer);
   * NB: Good candidate for dependency injection instead if you are doing this.
  public static final PropertyManager INSTANCE = new PropertyManager();

  private static final Map<Property, Player> propertyListing = new HashMap<Property, Player>();

   * Buy a property from the banker, banker or property manager could maintain
   * Collection of available properties
  public void buyProperty(Player buyer, Property property) {
    if (propertyListing.containsKey(property)) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to buy unless owner sells it");
    propertyListing.put(property, buyer);

   * Broker a transaction between two players for the sale of a property
  public void sellProperty(Player seller, Player buyer, Property property) {
    if (!propertyListing.containsKey(property)) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to sell Property which is not owned");
    Player owner = propertyListing.get(property);
    if (!owner.equals(seller)) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to sell property seller doesn't own");
    // TODO : Deduct/transfer monies (ensure sufficient value in buyer account etc)
    propertyListing.put(property, buyer); 

   * Retrieve a List of all of the Player's properties
  public List<Property> getProperties(Player owner) {
    // TODO Either iterate through the propertyListing or use a second Map for player to List<Property>, NB: they should be guarded with a shared lock if you do this (threading).

   * Retrieve the owner of a Property or null if it is unowned
  @Nullable // javax annotation indiciates can be null
  public Player getOwner(Property property) {
    return propertyListing.get(property);

   * Hide the constructor as the only property manager should be INSTANCE
  private PropertyManager() {
    // Prevent further instantiation
于 2012-07-19T00:59:19.227 回答



因此,在这种情况下,您是一个将 Property 对象添加到您的属性列表的 Player 对象。

public class Player
    private List<Property> properties;
于 2012-07-19T00:37:12.437 回答

作曲作品。只要玩家有一个属性对象,并且属性对象包含所有必要的数据,你应该没问题(假设你实现了必要的 getter 和 setter 方法)。

于 2012-07-19T00:24:33.307 回答

该属性可以有一个 Owner 属性,即 Player。


于 2012-07-19T00:25:34.990 回答




public static void main(String args[]){
  Player player1 = new Player();

  BlackProperty blackProperty = new BlackProperty();
  BlueProperty blueProperty = new BlueProperty();



public class Player{
  private List<Properties> propertyList;

  // getters and setters

  public void addProperty(Properties properties){
    if(this.propertyList == null){
      this.propertyList = new ArrayList<Properties>();


public class Properties{
  private int noOfFloor;
  // getters and setters

public class BlackProperty extend Properties{
  private String noOfGate;
  // getters and setters

public class BlueProperty extend Properties{
  private String noOfLawn;
  // getters and setters
于 2012-07-19T00:37:31.397 回答