I have a WordPress installation with bbPress plugin installed. I'm wondering where shall I upload additional WordPress themes so they will not be overwritten with bbPress upgrades?

The most straitforward guess would be wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-themes/ dir, however there's an index.php inside that states:


 * Do not put custom themes here. They will be deleted on bbPress updates.
 * Keep custom bbPress themes in /wp-content/themes/


ok. I uploaded theme there but I can't find a place to switch theme. Went to Admin --> Settings --> Forums but nothing there. I even tried to create a bbp-themes dir inside of wp-content/themes and upload theme there but still no results.

Any help will be appreciated.


1 回答 1


按照说明将主题添加到 wp-content/themes/,然后在正常的外观 > 主题部分中选择它。

您需要确保您的主题与 bbPress 兼容。它需要 bbPress 文件和 functions.php 文件中的以下内容。

add_theme_support( 'bbpress' );
于 2012-08-20T07:11:02.380 回答