我目前正在编写一些小的内核代码。以下是我从某处的内核项目中复制的内容。它包含将内核加载到内存位置 0x1000 并跳转到位置 0x1000 的代码:

; The Bootsector Code (First 512 bytes of the floppy)

; Define Code Segment and Data Segment Rights details for inputting to GDTFill function
%define CS_ACCES 10011011b ; CS and DS Access Rights (Details in GDT.INC)
%define DS_ACCES 10010011b

;  16 Bit Addressing initially
[bits 16]

; Code begins at 0x7c00
[org 0x7c00]

; Bios Jumps to 0xf000:0xffff
; Then it loads the first 512 bytes (BootSector) 
;  from first boot device to 0x0000:0x7c00

jmp boot

; Includes
%include "GDT.INC"

; Define Stack 
mov ax,0x07C0 
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov ax,0x8FFF 
mov ss,ax

; Stack begins at 0xf000 and fills from there downwards
mov sp,0xFFFF 

; Note:
; Linear Address = Shift Segment by 1 byte and add Offset to it
; Read Kernel From Floppy to Memory location es:bx (0x1000 here)
; Cylinder Head Sector and Buffer are as follows:
; es:bx - buffer where to load Kernel to
; ch    - track number
; cl    - starting sector
; dh    - head number
; dl    - drive number (0 here)
; Then call interrupt 0x13 

xor ax,ax
int 0x13

; Do the floppy int 13 reading
push es 

mov ax,0x100
mov es,ax
mov bx,0

mov ah,2
mov al,30
mov ch,0
mov cl,2
mov dh,0
mov dl,0
int 0x13

; Now es holds stack addresss
pop es

; Fill GDT
; Refer to GDT.INC for details
GDTFill 0, 0xFFFFF,CS_ACCES,1101b,gdt_cs
GDTFill 0, 0xFFFFF,DS_ACCES,1101b,gdt_ds

; Store Limit of GDT beginning at location marked as gdtptr
; This has to be passed on to lgdt instruction
mov ax, gdtend
mov bx, gdt
sub ax,bx
mov word [gdtptr], ax

; Store Linear address of GDT at gdtptr after allowing space for the previous data
; Linear Address = Shift Segment by 1 byte and add Offset to it
xor ax,ax 
mov ax,ds 
mov bx,gdt
call LinearAdd
mov dword [gdtptr+2], ecx 

; Load gdt using lgdt. Disable interrupts before that

; Move to protected mode. Set cr0's first bit to 1 by or'ing it
mov eax,cr0
or ax,1
mov cr0,eax

; Once in Protected Mode,
; Except cs all are defined w.r.t DataSegment
; DataSegment Descriptor from beginning of GDT is 8 bytes
; CodeSegment Descriptor from beginning of GDT is 10 bytes
; Stack (Very important! - This is what i messed with initially:
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; Defined w.r.t Data segment
; Beginning - 0x9f000 (Fills downwards)
; Stack size is  = 0x9f000 - DataSegment Value (= 0x0) (Have to change this)
; Quite enough for some small operations and LIBC Functions
jmp next

mov ax,0x10
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov fs,ax
mov gs,ax
mov ss,ax 

mov esp,0x9F000 ; Stack begins filling at this address

; protected mode segmented address = cs:0x1000
; This is nothing but 0x0:0x1000 in protected mode (Have to change these)
; Which is where kernel was loaded earlier from floppy
jmp dword 0x8:0x1000

jmp end ; Just in case it slips the earlier step !

; Initially fill GDT with 0's
dw 0,0,0,0
dw 0,0,0,0
dw 0,0,0,0

; The following is the GDT Pointer
; This is used for passing it on to LGDT Instruction
dw 0x0000 ; 16 bit size of GDT
dd 0 ; 32 bit linear address of GDT

; Filling the rest of space with NOP
; Or else boot sector might start executing invalid instructions there
; Because of Junk Data
times 510-($-$$) db 144
; The signature of boot sector
dw 0xaa55 

以下在 GDT.INC 中:

; Calculate Linear Address
; Called with following Values:
;       ax - has segment number
;   bx - has offset number
; Output:
;   ecx - has Linear Address
; We are in 16 bit mode
; Linear Address = Shift Segment by 1 byte and add Offset to it
; So 0x07c0:0x0  = 0x7c00

    xor ecx,ecx
    mov cx,ax
    shl ecx,4
    and ebx,0x0000FFFF
    add ecx,ebx

; Filling Global Descriptor Table
; -------------------------------
; Note:
; -----
; 1. Order of variables input: Base (32 bits), 
;     Limit (20 bits), Access Rights(8 bits), Flags(4 bits), Segment Address 
;     (32 bits)
; 2. Variables input to function are moved LS 4 bits First (Right to Left) to table
; 3. While reading LS 4 bits or MS 4 bits, read from left to right
; Base:
; -----
; Bits in Table          Bits in Field 'Base'        Location w.r.t Beginning of Segment
; 16 - 31                0  - 15                     +2 (2 bytes in length)
; 32 - 39                16 - 23                     +4 (1 byte in length)
; 55 - 63                24 - 31                     +7 (1 byte in length)
; Howto:
; ------
; Below %5 ie., the fifth variable input to function GDTFill is Beginning of GDT's Code Segment
; [%5+2] represents entry 1 in above table
; [%5+4] represents entry 2 in above table
; [$5+7] represents entry 3 in above table
; Entry 1 is 2 bytes (so ax is moved to word [%5+2]
; Entry 2 and 3 are 1 byte (so al is moved to byte[%5+4] and [%5+7] respectively
; Limit:
; ------
; Bits in Table          Bits in Field 'Limit'        Location w.r.t Beginning of Segment
; 0  -  15               0 -  15                       +0 (2 bytes in length)
; 16 -  20               48 - 51                       +6 (1 byte in length)
; Refer 'Howto' above for detailed description
; Access Rights:
; --------------
; Access Rights (Bit 40 to Bit 47) = Type (Bit 40 to Bit 43) + System Flag (Bit 44) + DPL (Bit 45 and 46) + Reserved (Bit 47); 
; Type        - Your Call (Say A is Kernel Code and B is User code (Here it is 11 and 3 respectively)
; System Flag - Both Code and Data Segment have S Flag = 1
; DPL         - Privilege level (Ring 0 or 3?) (Ring 0 - 00 and Ring 3 - 11)
; Flags:
; ------
; G   - Granularity = 1 here (means Segment Size is 4096 bytes)
; B   - Address offsets used for accessing segments are 32 bits long
; O   - 0 (Don't know what it is!)
; AVL - 1 here (You Can Ignore it)

%macro GDTFill  5   
    push eax
; Base
    mov eax,%1
    mov word [%5+2],ax
    shr eax,16         ; Shift Right to 
    mov byte [%5+4],al
    shr eax,8
    mov byte [%5+7],al
; Limit
    mov eax,%2
    and eax,0x000FFFFF
    mov word [%5],ax    ; ecrit (0..15)
    shr eax,16          ; place (16..19) sur le nibble inferieur
    mov byte [%5+6],0   ; initialise flags+lim(16..19) a 0
    or [%5+6],al        ; ecrit (16..19)
; flags :
    mov al,%4
    and al,0x0F
    shl al,4
    or [%5+6],al
; acces :
    mov byte [%5+5],%3
    pop eax

以上工作了很长时间。然而,当我的内核开始变大时,数据和代码段重叠了。虽然两者都从 0 开始,但数据段中的数据与代码段中的代码或类似内容重叠。因此,我无法完全打印消息。

有没有办法改变数据段和代码段的基址,以便在基址之间有一些空间来编写一个最大约为 1 MB 的二进制小内核?


  1. 我使用以下方法制作内核:

    make clean; make 

在 src 文件夹内

  1. 使用以下命令在 qemu 中启动它:

    sudo qemu-system-i386 -net nic,vlan=0,model=pcnet -net tap,vlan=0,ifname=tap,script=no -fda ../flp/fileb.flp -boot a  -m 128
  2. 启动后,我运行以下命令来验证字符串操作:

  3. 然后我运行以下命令,我看到消息在中间被剥离并且在某一行之后没有打印:

  4. 如果我在 console.c 中注释以下行并运行 pcnetops,我会打印所有内容:

    print( "sizeof(char) == ");
    print("htos(stoh(ffffffff, LEFT_TO_RIGHT)): ");
    print(htos(stoh((unsigned char *) "ffffffff", LEFT_TO_RIGHT)));

这就是为什么我怀疑我是否应该将代码段和数据段基地址分开的原因(现在两者都是 0)


2 回答 2



dw 0,0,0,0
dw 0,0,0,0

您需要做的是修改描述符以包含当前设置为 0 的基数。您可以使用此图像作为指导:

GDT 入口结构

通过适当设置基数和限制,可以确保 CS 和 DS 不重叠。

于 2012-07-20T07:22:51.420 回答

问题在于 int 13 调用中没有读取所有软盘扇区。将 al 的值增加到 40(从 30 - 读取的扇区数),然后再次编译。现在它工作正常。我知道这个问题并没有以正确的方式完全解决:)

于 2012-07-24T18:09:02.380 回答